اللغة الإنجليزية فصل أول





1 SPEAKING Look at the photo and decide what kind of shop it is. Then in pairs, ask and answer the questions.

1 What do you do with clothes you don’t wear anymore? Do you give them away? If so, who do you give them to?
2 Do you (or any people you know) buy second-hand clothes? Where do you get them?
3 Are charity shops common in your country?

The photo shows a second-hand shop/charity shop.

2 Listen to Part 1 of a radio programme about clothes and decide if statements 1–6 are true or false.

1 Buying clothes in charity shops is fun but expensive. F
2 □ Nadia is a design student. F
3 □ Kings Road is in West London.T
4 □ Chelsea is well-known for its clothes shops. T
5 □ The charity shops in Chelsea are expensive. F
6 □ It’s possible that Nadia bought a dress that belonged to a celebrity. T

3 In pairs, check you understand the words for clothes and accessories in the box. Then listen to Part 2 of the radio programme and tick the word you  hear.

✓ belt           blouse         bracelet         earrings        handbag             hat             kilt           pyjamas        raincoat                 scarf             suit            sweatshirt

4 In pairs, look at tips 1–10. Which ones are good advice when buying clothes in charity shops? Listen again and check.


1 □ Trust your instincts – buy the first nice thing you see.
2 Be patient and take your time.
3 Try to check all the clothes in the shop.
4 □ Never buy dirty clothes.
5 Don’t worry if something looks shabby.
6 Don’t buy underwear or sleepwear.
7 Don’t buy second-hand shoes.
8 □ It’s better to buy accessories in chain stores.

5 In pairs, decide what the highlighted words and phrases mean.

1 This blouse costs just 7 JOD! What a bargain! it is less than expected
2 This designer label top looks brand new. something that is cheaper than expected
3 These shoes don’t fit – they’re too small.
4 This hat is just perfect for you.

6 Listen to Part 3 of the programme and complete the notes with 1–3 words in each gap.

1 Samia bought a belt, a hat and a designer label sweatshirt.
2 Nadia thinks Samia has found good bargains in the shop.
3 In Nadia’s opinion, old clothes bought from charity shops are more stylish and original than our modern clothes.
4 She also thinks that old clothes are better quality than newer clothes.
5 As the clothes are cheap, you can experiment with different fashions.
6 Nadia likes shopping in charity shops because you get something for yourself but also help other people.

7 SPEAKING In pairs, ask and answer the questions.

1 Where do you usually buy your clothes?
2 Do you have your own style?

Students’ own answers

► Workbook 

1 Listen to a radio programme and complete the notes with 1–3 words in each gap.

Traditional jumble sales        

1 The aim of traditional jumble sales was to raise money for organisations or charity

2 Jumble sales often took place in community halls, or schools.

Jumble trails 

3 These take place outside people’s homes

4 The first one, which was held in Clapton, London, happened in 2013

5 About 7000 visitors came to the Clapton Jumble Trail two years later. 

6 As well as unwanted items, some people make and sell hot food

7 It’s a good way for people to meet their neighbours.

2 Listen to two people talking at a jumble trail and tick the items that the girl is selling.

             trousers              kilt             suit               bracelets 
              earrings             rings         belts               blouse                  hat

► Vocabulary

3 Complete the sentences with the words from Exercise 2.

1 Would you like to try on some of our rings? this one is beautiful.

2 I think those trousers are too short for you.

3 Wow, that is such a smart suit! Perfect for an interview! 

4 There are many types of leather belts on sale at that stall. 

5 Ghada is wearing a pretty blouse made of silk. 

6 In Scotland, you can often see guests at weddings wearing kilts.

► Pronunciation 

4 Listen to some sentences from the radio programme in Exercise 2. Write ch if you hear the /tʃ/ sound and sh if you hear the /ʃ/ sound. Write both if you hear both sounds. 

1 sh
2 sh
3 ch
4 ch
5 sh, ch

5 Look at the pairs of words. Listen and choose the one you hear.

1 share / chair                     4 shop / chop
2 ships / chips                     5 wash / watch
3 wish / which                     6 cash / catch

ACTIVE PRONUNCIATION |/tʃ/ and /ʃ/ sounds 

The letters ch can be pronounced in three different ways: 

• /tʃ/ (e.g. cheat, cheese, cheap).

• /ʃ/, especially in words which originate from French (e.g. chandelier, chef, brochure). 

• /k/, especially in words that originate from Greek and refer to science and education (e.g. school, technology, Chemistry).

6 Read, listen and complete the sentences. Use Active Pronunciation to help you.

A teacher, a chef, and a mechanic went on holiday. The teacher went to China. The chef went to Chicago. The mechanic went to Munich. They all did different activities. Who visited a local school? Who decided to do a parachute jump? Who went to see how cheese is made?

1 The visited a local school. mechanic
2 The did a parachute jump. chef
3 The went to see how cheese is made. teacher
