اللغة الإنجليزية فصل أول



Lesson 1A: Vocabulary and Grammar

1. In pairs, ask and answer the questions.

على شكل ثنائيات اسألوا وأجيبوا عن الأسئلة.

1- What kind of things do you like taking photos of? 

ما نوع الأشياء التي تحب التقاط الصور لها؟

2- How do you share photos with your friends and family?

كيف تشارك الصور مع أصدقائك وعائلتك؟

student own answers

2. Read Abbas’s photo blog. What do you think the special occasion is? Discuss in groups.

اقرأ صور عباس. ما هي المناسبة الخاصة برأيك؟ ناقشوا في مجموعات.

3. Read the blog again. Say who people 1–4 are, using the family words from the box.

إقرأ المدونة مجدداً قل من هم الناس 1-4 مستخدماً كلمات العائلة من الصندوق

aunt        brother        cousin        fiancé        fiancée        grandfather

       grandmother           nephew            niece         sister        uncle

1 Sana is Abbas’s sister.       

2 Osama is Abbas’s brother.                        

3 Rakan is Sana’s fiancé.                      

4 Salah is Rakan’s cousin.

4. Match sentences 1–4 with their meanings a–d.

صل الجمل من 1 إلى 4 مع معانيها a-d.

  1. It sometimes rains in April. (d)
  2. It isn’t raining this morning. (c)
  3. My sister and I often argue. (a)
  4. Osama is staying with us. (d)

a. a habit or routine 
b. a fact that doesn’t change 
c. something happening now 
d. a temporary situation

5. Study the Grammar box and Watch Out! and find more examples of the Present Simple and Present Continuous in Abbas’s photo blog.

ادرس صندوق القواعد واحترس! وابحث عن المزيد من الأمثلة عن الحاضر البسيط والحاضر المستمر في مدونة عباس المصورة.

Present Simple and Present Continuous

We use the Present Simple for:

نستخدم "الحاضر البسيط" من أجل

facts that don’t change

routines and habits

Time expressions:  تعبيرات الوقت      

 never, hardly ever, sometimes, often, usually, every day/ week, most days

We use the Present Continuous for:  نستخدم "المضارع المستمر "من اجل

things happening now

temporary situations

Time expressions:  تعبيرات الوقت     

at the moment, (right) now, these days, today, this morning/year

Grammar Reference and Practice > page 77

6.Complete the conversation with the correct Present Simple or Present Continuous forms of the verbs from the box. Listen and check.

أكمل المحادثة باستخدام صيغة المضارع البسيط أو المضارع المستمر الصحيحة للأفعال الموجودة في الصندوق. استمع وتحقق.

live     look      not play         play          see          study     

Muna Salwa, I 1 see a girl with red hair. She 2 is playing volleyball with your sister. Who is she? 
Salwa It’s my cousin, Maha. She loves sport. 
Muna She 3 isn’t playing volleyball very well right now.
 Salwa No, she isn’t. She 4 looks tired.
 Muna Yes, I 5 thinks so too. Does she live in Amman? 
Salwa No, she usually lives in Irbid, but she 6 is studying in France at the moment.

workbook page 4

المضارع البسيط و المضارع المستمر  Present Simple and Present Continuous

1 ★ Match the two parts of the sentences. 


1 □ Hussein is a in the evening.
2 □ This is my b eats lunch in the park.
3 □ I often c agree about anything
4 □ Malak often d bag.
5 □ Amer and his brother never e get home at 4 p.m., but today they’re late.
6 □ Fadi’s parents usually f visit my grandparents.
7 □ I usually study g looking for a summer job in a café


(1g    2d     3f      4b      5c       6e      7a)

2 ★★ Choose the correct forms to complete the sentences. 

اختر النماذج الصحيحة لإكمال الجمل.

1 ……………….at the moment. 
a. Halima speak English 
b. Halima is speaking English 
c. English Halima speaking 


2 Dalia and Eman ………………….to the sports club. 
a. hardly ever come 
b. come hardly ever 
c. are hardly ever coming 


3 My brother isn’t very sporty, but he a lot of football this summer. 
a. plays 
b. play 
c. is playing 


4 I usually my dad’s car on Saturday. 
a. am washing 
b. wash
c. washing 


5 They their P.E. lesson today because their teacher is ill.
a. are having 
b. don’t have 
c. aren’t having


3 ★★★ Choose the correct forms to complete the conversation.
اختر النماذج الصحيحة لإكمال المحادثة.

Mrs. Akel  Hello, Ali. Come in. Hisham 1 has / is having a shower at the moment. He 2 always gets up / is always getting up late on a Saturday. Come into the kitchen. I 3 have / ’m having breakfast. Are you hungry?
Ali    No. I’m fi ne, thanks. 
Mrs. Akel  Do you want some coffee? 
Ali   No, thanks. I 4don’t often drink coffee/ ’m not often drinking coffee.
Mrs. Akel  How 5do you get on / are you getting on at school this year? 
Ali Quite well, thanks. I 6study / ’m studying a lot at the moment because I want to do medicine at university. I enjoy the challenge though, so I 7don’t mind / am not minding.
Mrs. Akel Hisham 8works / is working hard at the moment, too. Well, actually, he 9always works / is always working hard. He … 
Hisham 10Do you talk / Are you talking about me, Mum? Hi, Ali. I’m ready. Let’s go. Bye, Mum. See you later!


4 ★★★★ Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. 
أكمل الجمل بالأشكال الصحيحة للأفعال بين قوسين.

Sami 1 usually wears (usually/wear) jeans and a T-shirt, but today he 2 is going (go) to a family party so he 3 is wearing (wear) a smart shirt and trousers. Jawad 4 doesn’t often meet (not often/meet) his cousin because he 5 lives (live) in the USA, but this week, he 6 is staying (stay) in Jordan with Jawad’s family.