اللغة الإنجليزية فصل أول

الحادي عشر خطة جديدة


1) In pairs, look at the headlines and discuss the questions.

1. Why do you think news sites write these kinds of headlines? 

Because each page view is worth money in terms of advertising revenue. People want to click on the headlines and share the stories because they make us feel good or look better to other people. 

2. Do you think the information in these kinds of stories is reliable? Say why. 

No, it isn’t. The information in these kinds of stories is just Clickbait headlines that are used to grab a reader's attention, usually by using emotion-provoking, sensationalized language.

Trending now SHARK SURPRISE! 

A father and son from Irbid tried out their device to protect swimmers from shark attacks. You won’t believe what happened next!



The devastating truth behind those delicious prawns. This story will melt your heart!

2) Study Active Vocabulary and find two more examples of collocations in the headlines in Exercise 1.

A collocation: is a combination of two or more words, e.g. disprove a theory. 

• The most common structures for collocations are:

1. adjective + noun, e.g. a bizarre theory   نظرية غريبة
2. verb + noun, e.g. reveal the truth   كشف الحقيقة
3. adverb + adjective, e.g. potentially embarrassing   من المحتمل أن يكون مُحرِج
4. verb + adverb, e.g. discuss calmly   ناقش بهدوء 

The collocation

The meaning in Arabic

Clickbait headlines

الروابط المضللة / مصيدة النقر/ الاستدراج بالنقر

Hit the headlines

تتصدر عناوين الصحف

Go viral

ينتشر بسرعة وعلى نطاق وامع

Generates revenue

يدر أو يحقق ايرادات

Attention span

مدى قدرة الشخص على التركيز والانتباه

Shed lights

سلط الأضواء

In the public interest

في المصلحة العامة

Expose corruption

يفضح ويعري الفساد

Verify sources

يتأكد من صحة المصادر

Present sides of the story

يعرض جانبي القصة (وجهي القصة) = مع وضد