Complete the sentences with the words from the box to make collocations.
attention |
clickbait |
corruption |
generates |
go |
hit |
light |
present |
public |
verify |
1. I'm responsible for creating all those ....clickbait.... headlines that attract attention.
2. If the posts I write ....go... viral, that could mean hundreds of thousands of page views, which ...generates... more advertising revenue for the news site.
3. Articles published online need to be very brief because everyone has such a short ...attention... span these days.
4. The articles I write rarely shed much ...light... on the key issues that have ...hit ... the headlines.
5. I'd love to cover traditional news stories which are in the ....public... interest, where I could expose …corruption…
6. I'd also prefer to have the time to ...verify... my sources or the space to ...present... both sides of the story.
7. Their amazing video of the project has now ...gone... viral with millions of views.
8. Will the new idea ...generate... revenue or help to cut costs?
the adjectives related to clickbait viral news stories
adjective |
English meaning |
Arabic meaning |
hard-hitting |
includes strong criticism |
شديد اللهجة (لاذع) |
quirky |
unusual in an interesting way |
ملتوي (بطريقة مديرة للاهتمام) |
heartbreaking |
very sad |
مفجع |
newsworthy |
interesting enough to reported |
جدير بالنشر |
balanced |
considering all sides equally |
متوازن |
topical |
related to things that are happening |
موضوعي |
off the record |
not meant to publicly reported |
خارج نطاق النشر (لم يتم تقديمه كبيان رسمي) |
sensational |
shocking and exciting not serious |
صادم ومثير/ رائع |
exclusive |
(a news story) published only in one place |
حصري |
heartwarming |
causing feelings of happiness |
حميم (مبهج ويخلق السعادة) |