1 Work in pairs. Look at the WOW! Magazine Welcome page. Then read and answer.
2- Look and match. Then listen, check and repeat
rock climbing 3 / horse-riding 9 / ice hockey 4 / motor-racing 11 / go-karting 2 / surfboarding 5 / water skiing 6 / kite surfing 7 / diving 8 / squash 1 / jogging 12 / golf 10
3- Listen and read. What sports are the WOW! Team talking about? Who doesn’t usually like extreme sports
Sami – water skiing, surfboarding, kite surfing, diving; Dana – horse-riding; Mei – rock climbing. Dana doesn’t usually like extreme sports.
4- Work in pairs. Look at the sports on pages 8 and 9 and answer the questions.
Which sports:
• do you do in water? surfboarding, water skiing, kite surfing, diving
• use a ball? squash, golf
• are usually team sports? squash, golf
• need something with wheels? cycling, motor-racing, dirt biking, go-karting, skateboarding
• need a helmet? rock climbing, cycling, snowboarding, go-karting, skateboarding, ice hockey, treetop adventure, horse-riding, dirt biking, motor-racing
5- Work in pairs. Answer the questions.
1 Which of the extreme sports have you done and did you enjoy them?
2 Which of these sports would you like to try and why?
1 Write the sports.
1 surfboarding
2 w ater skiing
3 diving
4 go-karting
5 s quash
6 rock climbing
2 Read and complete the sentences.
1 I'm learning to play golf now. It isn't easy to hit the ball correctly.
2 I love the beach on windy days because I can go kite surfing.
3 I need new trainers for jogging . I do about five kilometres.
4 I often watch motor-racing on TV. My favourite event is Formula One.
5 I love ice skating and I enjoy team sports, so ice hockey is the best.
6 I often go horse-riding at my grandparents' farm. I love animals!