اللغة الإنجليزية فصل ثاني


Activity book page: 12


1 After you read Match the words and the pictures.

Activity book

2 c, 3 a, 4 d

2 Correct the underlined mistakes.

1 Beluga whales live in the Indian Ocean. Arctic

2 Beluga whales stay in the open ocean in summer. winter

3 The Moskva was a submarine that helped some beluga whales trapped under the open ocean. ship, ice

4 The ship made a hole for the whales, but the whales were frightened of the ice. channel, ship

5 The whales became trapped above the ice. under

6 The ship moved down the channel quickly, stopped, played music and then the whales got away from the ship. followed

7 It took many weeks for the whales to reach the open ocean. days

8 The beluga whales reached the open ocean and they were injured. safe

3 In groups, draw four pictures and make a poster of the story about the beluga whales. Display your posters in class and retell the story.