اللغة الإنجليزية فصل ثاني



Purpose of a Brochure

A brochure is like a mini advertisement or guide that gives information in a fun and easy-to-read way. It can be used to promote something, explain a topic, or inform others about an event or place.

How to write a brochure

It’s usually folded into 3 parts and each part has a specific job. 

► Use a Title to Say What the Brochure Is About

o Your title should tell the reader exactly what the brochure is about.
o Example: "The Best Tips for Hamster Care" or "Visit the Amazing Nature Park!"

►  Ask the Reader Questions

o Asking questions gets the reader’s attention and makes them want to keep reading.
o Example: "Want to know how to make your hamster happy?" or "Are you ready to explore the wonders of our park?"

► Use Pronouns Like "You" and "We" to Talk to the Reader

o Talking directly to the reader makes it feel personal.
o Example: "We can show you how to care for your hamster" or "You’ll love visiting this beautiful place!"

► Remember that a Brochure Sells Something, So Make It Sound as Good as Possible

o Since brochures are meant to promote something (like a product, service, or place), make it sound exciting!
o Example: Our pet care tips will keep your hamster healthy and happy! or Our park offers stunning views, fun activities, and more!


How to write a brochure

• Use a title to say what the brochure is about.
• Ask the reader questions.
• Use pronouns like you and we
• to talk to the reader.
• Remember that a brochure sells something, so make it sound as good as possible.