اللغة الإنجليزية فصل أول



1 In pairs, check you understand the holiday activities in the box

climb a mountain       go for a swim/drive     lie/sunbathe      on the beach 
make a trip      pack your bag      see the sights      watch the sunrise/set    visit relatives

Students’ own answers

2 Look at the ‘Amazing Moments’ photos and read the stories. Which one is your favourite? Say why.

Students’ own answers

Amazing Moments

3 Past Continuous and Past Simple3 Match sentences 1–2 with the uses of the Past Continuous a–b.

1 At about 7 p.m., we were going along a

quiet road. a

2 □ I was staying with my uncle on his farm

in Canada. b

a to give the background to a story

b to say that someone was in the middle of an action at a specific time.

4 Read this sentence from one of the stories and answer the questions.

While we were swimming, I took this photo.

1 Did these actions happen

a one after another?

b at the same time?

2 Which action was shorter and which tense do we use to talk about it?

took this photo is shorter, it is the Past Simple.

5 Read the Grammar box and find more examples of the Past Continuous and Past Simple in the stories.

Past Continuous and Past Simple

6 Look at the photos and stories again and correct the sentences.

1 Fadi was eating lunch when it started to rain.

No, she wasn’t eating lunch. She was eating an ice cream.

2 Lama was looking at the camera when Fadi took the photo.

No, she wasn’t looking at the camera. She was looking at the water.

3 Habib’s mum was driving the car when the horses appeared.

No, Habib’s mum wasn’t driving the car when the horses appeared. His dad was driving the car.

4 The horses were running away from Habib’s car.

No, the horses weren’t running away from the car. They were running straight at/towards the car.

5 Osama was staying in a hotel in Canada.

No, he wasn’t staying in a hotel. He was hiking in the Dana Reserve.

7 Complete the text with the Past Simple or Past Continuous. Listen and check.

We were travelling (travel) to France on a car ferry.

I was feeling (feel) a bit sick, so I went (go) outside to get some air. While I was looking (look) down at the sea, I saw (see) a dolphin. It was swimming (swim) next to the ship.  As I was watching (watch), it jumped (jump) high out of the sea. I got(get) a wonderful photo.

8 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the travel verbs from the box.

catch       drive      ride      sail      wait

1 I was running to catch a bus to school when I realised it was a holiday.

2 The first time I was driving the car, my dad was sitting beside me with his eyes closed.

3 I met my best friend while was waiting I at a bus stop.

4 I was riding my bike when I saw our teacher.

5 While we were sailing on a ferry, there was a storm.


Past Continuous and Past Simple 

1 ★ Put the words in order to make sentences. 

1 4 a.m. / everyone / it / sleeping / was / was / and

It was 4 a.m. and everyone was sleeping. 

2 was / Alison / six o’clock / at / eating breakfast 

At six o’clock, Alison was eating breakfast. /Alison was eating breakfast at six o’clock.

3 for the rain / to stop / waiting / we / were 

We were waiting for the rain to stop.

4 coming up / the sun / was / behind the mountains 

The sun was coming up behind the mountains.

5 my bag / I / at eleven o’clock / packing / still / was

At eleven o’clock, I was still packing my bag./I was still packing my bag at eleven o’clock.

At eleven o’clock

2 ★★ Choose the correct forms to complete the sentences. 

1 I chose / was choosing a glass model of the Eiffel Tower when I broke / was breaking it! 

2 We saw / were seeing a bear while we drove / were driving along the mountain road! 

3 We flew / were flying back to Jordan when we saw / were seeing another plane fly past us! 

4 As we sailed / were sailing to the island, a dolphin appeared / was appearing in the water! 

5 Khalil and Adnan ate / were eating dinner when the waiter dropped / was dropping a bottle of water.

3 ★★ Complete the blog posts with the correct Past Simple or Past Continuous forms of the verbs in brackets.



We 1 were staying (stay) in Wadi Rum, in Jordan. One day, we decided to walk into the desert to watch the sun go down. At six o’clock, we 2 were walking (walk) towards the sand dunes. It was a beautiful evening. We 3 were sitting (sit) on the sand when, suddenly, the wind 4 started (start) blowing really hard. It was impossible to see anything. It was scary! Sand storm in Wadi Rum Desert – Husam, 15


We 5 were driving (drive) in France last summer. I 6 was looking (look) at a map in the back of the car when Dad suddenly 7 opened (open) the window. I wasn’t holding 8 (not hold) the map very tightly and it 9 flew (fly) out of my hands and out of the window! Luckily there was no-one behind us. Flying map! – Dalia, 14