اللغة الإنجليزية11 فصل ثاني

الحادي عشر خطة جديدة





 The new phone is considerably  faster than the old one.


          Her grades improved marginally after she started studying more.

nowhere near

 This dress is nowhere near as expensive as the one I saw yesterday.


The hotel staff were obliged to help the guests during the power outage.


The teacher permitted us to leave class early today.


 The weather has become significantly colder this week


 I am feeling slightly better after taking the medicine.


She succeeded in passing the test after weeks of preparation.


You are allowed to use your phone during breaks.


Smoking is forbidden inside the restaurant.


 Despite the rain, they managed to finish the marathon.


A passport is required to travel abroad.

be supposed to do something

You are supposed to finish your homework before watching TV


Modal and related verbs:

► Obligation and  necessity

Verb :Must

use and example :to talk about what is right or necessary

A good lifeguard must be an excellent swimmer



Verb :Have to                                

use and example :is very similar to must .                                             

    It can be used in all tenses   

I had to wear braces for two years

You will have to keep this a secret

Have to / have got to:   Often used to indicate that the obligation is from somebody else or from outside , while must is used to show it comes from the speaker . A common modifier with this from is really .

  • Your friend really must study harder .
  • My friend has to study harder .



Verb :Need

use and example :used as a main verb ( not an auxiliary )                       

  • He needs to be uncourageous .

be required to: )Use in all tenses to refer to an ‘ outside authority that gives orders or sets rules)

  • He was required to get proper qualification

be obliged to   

  • We are obliged to come school on time .   


► Duty and advise

Verb: Should / shouldn’t  

use and example: to give an opinion or advice . A common modifier with this form is really


Verb: ought to / oughtn’t 

use and example: 

  • Animals shouldn’t suffer like this .
  • - You really ought to be an expert .


Verb:be suppose to

use and example:

  • Animals are not supposed to suffer like this.
► No obligation  

Verb:don’t have to

use and example: to mean " it isn’t  necessary needn’t

  • - He doesn’t have to work today .
  • -Pupils don’t need to / needn’t do this .


Verb: are not required to 

use and example: Human divers are not required to do the job .

Verb: are not obliged to

 use and example: Actors are not obliged to be glamorous .


► Ability

Verb: can / can’t

Verb: could / couldn’t

 use and example:to describe ability or lack of ability     

  • - He could play chess better than anyone I knew .


Verb: be able to

use and example:  to describe the completion of a specific action in the past.

Note : in negative sentences both be able to and could are possible.

Hamzah wasn’t able to / couldn’t visit us last week , but he was able to ( Not could) phone .


managed to       

  The police managed to find the child in time.


succeeded in

   He succeeded in persuading her to help .


► Permission  

Verb: can / could 

use and example: to ask for and give permission

Can / Could I ask you a question ?

I couldn’t stay out late when I was younger.


Verb: has been allowed

Why has pollution of the beach been allowed ?


Verb: are permitted to

We are permitted to enter the lab.


► Prohibition   

Verb: mustn’t 

Verb: can’t

: couldn’t

 use and example: to say that something isn’t permitted

People can’t park their cars here.


Verb: are not allowed  to

 use and example: Students are not allowed to go there .



Verb: were forbidden to

 use and example: We were forbidden to use the internet in the office .


► Possibility

Verb: Can 

use and example: to talk about things which are generally possible.

It can rain heavily in winter .



Verb: could / might        

use and example: to say that a specific thing is possibly true

There could / might be life on other planets.



Verb: might                  

use and example: to talk about an uncertain future intention

We might go for a meal later.



Verb: be likely to

This film is likely to  win a number of Oscars  .



Verb: be bound to \ be sure to

- It’s a very difficult test. Some people are bound to ( are sure to ) fail this test.

Student Book

4) Complete these extracts from the recording with the words from the box. Listen and check.  (S. B. page 5)

allowed  / forbidden   / managed   / obliged   / permitted   / required   / succeeded  

  1. I’ve………………to settle in pretty well.
  2. I’ve……………..in making quite a few friends.
  3. Even my younger brother, who’s only 15, is …………to stay out until eleven or later.
  4. Obviously, we’re……………to have an adult with us.
  5. It’s ……………….to chew gum.
  6. At home, I’m not ……………….. to stay out after 10 p.m.

1. managed                    2. succeeded            3. allowed        
4. required                     5. forbidden            6 permitted


5) Study Watch Out! Then choose the best option to complete the sentences. Sometimes both options are correct. (S. B. page 5)

  1. Alia could / was able to pass her driving test.
  2. Huda could / was able to speak four languages.
  3. My cousin didn’t want to move to Germany at first, but his parents could / managed to persuade him.
  4. How did you manage to / could you stay so slim when living at your grandma’s? She’s an excellent cook!
  5. I somehow managed to / could make him believe me.

1. was able to             2. could, was able to             3. managed to
4. did you manage to, could you                             5. managed to


For ability on a specific occasion, we use be able/managed to (NOT could), e.g.

My parents were able to/managed to fi nd a nice apartment.

NOT My parents could find a nice apartment.

Complete the text with the words and phrases from the box. Sometimes more than one answer is possible. (S. B. page 5)

don’t have to (x2)  / forbidden   / obliged   / shouldn’t/mustn’t   / will have to

Things you should know before moving to Sweden

1) The environment

Swedes are really green. Littering is 1…………. everywhere, and if you’re caught dropping even the tiniest bit, you 2…………. pay a fi ne. You are also 3 ………….by law to sort out your recycling.

2) Social etiquette

Don’t expect Swedes to be chatty. They don’t talk to you if they 4………….. Punctuality is important though. You 5…………. turn up late or early. In some other ways they’re quite informal: at school, you 6    ………….call your teacher Professor or Mr or Mrs as they prefer to be called by their f rst names.


1. forbidden                 2. will have to                     3. obliged 
4. don’t have to 5 shouldn’t/mustn’t                     6. don’t have to


7) Replace the underlined words with words and phrases from the box. There are several alternatives. Which sound more formal? (S. B. page 5)

a lot   / considerably   / far   / marginally   / miles   / nothing / like   / nowhere / near   . significantly  / slightly   / way

    1. Summer in Singapore is much hotter than in England but only a bit hotter than in Egypt.
    2. Summer in England is not nearly as hot as in Singapore.


1. much: a lot, considerably, far, miles, significantly, way;
a bit: marginally, slightly
2. not nearly: nothing like, nowhere near

8) Choose the correct words to complete the sentences. Sometimes more than one answer is possible. (S. B. page 5)

  1. Singapore is very safe compared with / to / from other countries.
  2. Dubai is expensive in / by / on comparison with many countries.
  3. In Saudi Arabia, the temperatures are high during the day  whereas / wherever / but during the night they are very low.


1. with, to             2. in, by             3. whereas, but

Work Book

1) Match the underlined modal verbs in sentences 1–5 with their functions a–e. (W. B. page 4)

1. You have to make your bed at a youth hostel.
2. You
must not take room keys out of the hotel.
3. I
could swim like a fish at the age of four.
4. If there’s a fi re, you
must use the stairs, not the lift.
5. You
don’t have to switch on the light – it’s automatic.

a. necessity
b. prohibition
c. duty
d. no necessity
e. ability


1. c         2. b         3. e         4. a             5. d