اللغة الإنجليزية11 فصل ثاني

الحادي عشر خطة جديدة


Modal and related verbs:

► Obligation and  necessity

Verb :Must

use and example :to talk about what is right or necessary

A good lifeguard must be an excellent swimmer



Verb :Have to                                

use and example :is very similar to must .                                             

    It can be used in all tenses   

I had to wear braces for two years

You will have to keep this a secret

Have to / have got to:   Often used to indicate that the obligation is from somebody else or from outside , while must is used to show it comes from the speaker . A common modifier with this from is really .

  • Your friend really must study harder .
  • My friend has to study harder .



Verb :Need

use and example :used as a main verb ( not an auxiliary )                       

  • He needs to be uncourageous .

be required to: )Use in all tenses to refer to an ‘ outside authority that gives orders or sets rules)

  • He was required to get proper qualification

be obliged to   

  • We are obliged to come school on time .   


► Duty and advise

Verb: Should / shouldn’t  

use and example: to give an opinion or advice . A common modifier with this form is really


Verb: ought to / oughtn’t 

use and example: 

  • Animals shouldn’t suffer like this .
  • - You really ought to be an expert .


Verb:be suppose to

use and example:

  • Animals are not supposed to suffer like this.
► No obligation  

Verb:don’t have to

use and example: to mean " it isn’t  necessary needn’t

  • - He doesn’t have to work today .
  • -Pupils don’t need to / needn’t do this .


Verb: are not required to 

use and example: Human divers are not required to do the job .

Verb: are not obliged to

 use and example: Actors are not obliged to be glamorous .


► Ability

Verb: can / can’t

Verb: could / couldn’t

 use and example:to describe ability or lack of ability     

  • - He could play chess better than anyone I knew .


Verb: be able to

use and example:  to describe the completion of a specific action in the past.

Note : in negative sentences both be able to and could are possible.

Hamzah wasn’t able to / couldn’t visit us last week , but he was able to ( Not could) phone .


managed to       

  The police managed to find the child in time.


succeeded in

   He succeeded in persuading her to help .


► Permission  

Verb: can / could 

use and example: to ask for and give permission

Can / Could I ask you a question ?

I couldn’t stay out late when I was younger.


Verb: has been allowed

Why has pollution of the beach been allowed ?


Verb: are permitted to

We are permitted to enter the lab.


► Prohibition   

Verb: mustn’t 

Verb: can’t

: couldn’t

 use and example: to say that something isn’t permitted

People can’t park their cars here.


Verb: are not allowed  to

 use and example: Students are not allowed to go there .



Verb: were forbidden to

 use and example: We were forbidden to use the internet in the office .


► Possibility

Verb: Can 

use and example: to talk about things which are generally possible.

It can rain heavily in winter .



Verb: could / might        

use and example: to say that a specific thing is possibly true

There could / might be life on other planets.



Verb: might                  

use and example: to talk about an uncertain future intention

We might go for a meal later.



Verb: be likely to

This film is likely to  win a number of Oscars  .



Verb: be bound to \ be sure to

- It’s a very difficult test. Some people are bound to ( are sure to ) fail this test.