4) Complete these extracts from the recording with the words from the box. Listen and check. (S. B. page 5)
allowed / forbidden / managed / obliged / permitted / required / succeeded
- I’ve………………to settle in pretty well.
- I’ve……………..in making quite a few friends.
- Even my younger brother, who’s only 15, is …………to stay out until eleven or later.
- Obviously, we’re……………to have an adult with us.
- It’s ……………….to chew gum.
- At home, I’m not ……………….. to stay out after 10 p.m.
1. managed 2. succeeded 3. allowed
4. required 5. forbidden 6 permitted
5) Study Watch Out! Then choose the best option to complete the sentences. Sometimes both options are correct. (S. B. page 5)
- Alia could / was able to pass her driving test.
- Huda could / was able to speak four languages.
- My cousin didn’t want to move to Germany at first, but his parents could / managed to persuade him.
- How did you manage to / could you stay so slim when living at your grandma’s? She’s an excellent cook!
- I somehow managed to / could make him believe me.
1. was able to 2. could, was able to 3. managed to
4. did you manage to, could you 5. managed to
For ability on a specific occasion, we use be able/managed to (NOT could), e.g.
My parents were able to/managed to fi nd a nice apartment.
NOT My parents could find a nice apartment.
Complete the text with the words and phrases from the box. Sometimes more than one answer is possible. (S. B. page 5)
don’t have to (x2) / forbidden / obliged / shouldn’t/mustn’t / will have to
Things you should know before moving to Sweden
1) The environment
Swedes are really green. Littering is 1…………. everywhere, and if you’re caught dropping even the tiniest bit, you 2…………. pay a fi ne. You are also 3 ………….by law to sort out your recycling.
2) Social etiquette
Don’t expect Swedes to be chatty. They don’t talk to you if they 4………….. Punctuality is important though. You 5…………. turn up late or early. In some other ways they’re quite informal: at school, you 6 ………….call your teacher Professor or Mr or Mrs as they prefer to be called by their f rst names.
1. forbidden 2. will have to 3. obliged
4. don’t have to 5 shouldn’t/mustn’t 6. don’t have to
7) Replace the underlined words with words and phrases from the box. There are several alternatives. Which sound more formal? (S. B. page 5)
a lot / considerably / far / marginally / miles / nothing / like / nowhere / near . significantly / slightly / way
- Summer in Singapore is much hotter than in England but only a bit hotter than in Egypt.
- Summer in England is not nearly as hot as in Singapore.
1. much: a lot, considerably, far, miles, significantly, way;
a bit: marginally, slightly
2. not nearly: nothing like, nowhere near
8) Choose the correct words to complete the sentences. Sometimes more than one answer is possible. (S. B. page 5)
- Singapore is very safe compared with / to / from other countries.
- Dubai is expensive in / by / on comparison with many countries.
- In Saudi Arabia, the temperatures are high during the day whereas / wherever / but during the night they are very low.
1. with, to 2. in, by 3. whereas, but
1) Match the underlined modal verbs in sentences 1–5 with their functions a–e. (W. B. page 4)
1. You have to make your bed at a youth hostel.
2. You must not take room keys out of the hotel.
3. I could swim like a fish at the age of four.
4. If there’s a fi re, you must use the stairs, not the lift.
5. You don’t have to switch on the light – it’s automatic.
a. necessity
b. prohibition
c. duty
d. no necessity
e. ability
1. c 2. b 3. e 4. a 5. d
2) Choose the correct forms to complete the sentences. (W. B. page 4)
We only moved in a week ago and we’ve already managed / forbidden to get to know the neighbours.
Only local residents are required /permitted to park in the streets here.
You are allowed / supposed to sort your recycling carefully.
The city has succeeded / obliged in reducing the traffic significantly.
Glass is strictly forbidden / permitted in the swimming pool area.
1. managed 2. permitted 3. supposed 4. succeeded 5. forbidden
3) Rewrite the sentences so that they have the opposite meaning. (W. B. page 4)
We have to arrive exactly on time.
You mustn’t wear jeans in the restaurant.
Customers may park here.
I couldn’t find my glasses.
1. We don't have to arrive exactly on time.
2. You can/may/are allowed to wear jeans in the restaurant.
3. Customers may not/can’t/mustn’t/are not allowed to/are not permitted to park here.
4. I was able to/managed to find my glasses.
4) USE OF ENGLISH Choose the correct words a–c to complete the text. (W.B. page 4)
There are some things you 1…………. know before visiting Thailand. Thai people are more laid back than the average tourist, so you 2…………. Lose your temper and you 3……………. raise your voice at anyone in public. Thai people never point the soles of their feet at anyone or anything, so you 4……….. never sit with your feet up on a table, for example. Finally, remember that it is 5……… to touch any exhibit in historical museums.
1- a. ought to b. don’t have to c. are able to
2- a. couldn’t b. mustn’t c. don’t have
3- a could b. couldn’t c. shouldn’t
4- a. have to b. should c. could
5- a. permitted b. forbidden c. obliged
1. a 2. b 3. c 4. b 5. b
5) Complete the sentences with the correct forms of be able to or have to. (W. B. page 4)
1- Unfortunately, we ………….. to see the new flat because they’d lost the key.
2- Good news! Grandma………… come next weekend.
3- We ………….. pay for the garage; it was for free.
4- Don’t worry! You …………..book the tickets. I’ll take care of everything.
1. weren't able 2. will be able to
3. didn’t have to 4. don’t/won’t have to
6) Complete the mini-conversations with the forms in bold. (W. B. page 5)
Amina: I 1………………forget to collect that parcel from the post office today.
Dana: You 2………… write yourself a note.
Amina: Would you 3………… do it, Dana? You’re nothing like as busy as me.
Dana: Well, I suppose so, if I 4 …………...
Kareem: Am I 5……….. pay a deposit before I move in to my room?
Manager: Yes, all students 6 pay two months’ rent in advance.
Kareem And 7…………. I pay that with a credit card?
Manager: No, sorry. I’m only 8……………. accept cash or a bank transfer.
Ali: You were 9……….. video call me, Issa. What happened?
Issa: I 10……………. find your details, Ali. Didn’t you see my email?
Ali: I 11……………… log on since yesterday. Something’s wrong.
Issa: Sometimes, I think technology has only 12………… making life more complicated!
1.mustn't 2. ought to 3. be able to 4. have to
5. required to 6. Must 7. may 8. allowed to
9. supposed to 10. couldn’t 11. haven’t been able to 12. succeeded in
7) USE OF ENGLISH Complete the second sentence using the word in bold so that it means the same as the first one. Use between two and fi ve words, including the word in bold. (W. B. page 5)
1. You should recycle your rubbish. SUPPOSED
You …………………your rubbish.
2. I was able to pick up the language quickly. SUCCEEDED
I………….. the language quickly.
3. In the UK, it isn’t necessary to carry an ID card. REQUIRED
You………………………. an ID card in the UK.
4. How many bags can I take on the aeroplane? ALLOWED
How many bags……………..on the aeroplane?
1. are supposed to recycle 2. succeeded in picking up
3. are not required to carry 4. am I allowed to take
8) Complete the notice with one word in each gap. (W. B. page 5)
For your safety and comfort here are a few guidelines we ask you to follow.
1. Only paying guests are …………….in the hostel.
2. Use of portable audio speakers is completely ………..throughout the hostel.
3. All guests are …………….to keep noise to a minimum after 10 p.m.
4. Guests ………………leave all areas clean and tidy after use. No exceptions!
5. Animals are not ……………….in the hostel.
6 Guests ………………..leave food behind when they check out of the hostel.
1. allowed 2. forbidden 3. required/obliged
4. must 5. permitted/allowed 6. mustn’t