اللغة الإنجليزية11 فصل ثاني

الحادي عشر خطة جديدة

Student Book

1) In pairs, read the advert for a radio programme and discuss the questions. (S. B. page 6)

1. What do you understand by the phrase ‘digital nomad’?
2. What do you imagine are the advantages and disadvantages of this lifestyle?


1. A digital nomad is a person who uses telecommunications technologies to earn a living and, more generally, conducts their life in a nomadic manner. They often work remotely from foreign countries, coffee shops, public libraries, co-working spaces, etc.
2. Advantages: Can move and live anywhere in the world; do not have to travel to work each day. Disadvantages: It might be hard to get away from work.

2) Listen to the programme and answer the questions. (S. B. page 6)

1. What is Hani’s job?
2. Where is he working from at the moment?
3. Is he successful in his job?
4. Is he generally happy with his lifestyle? Why?


1. He’s a website designer. 2 He’s working in Bali.
3. Yes. (His business is going well.)
4. Yes. (He wouldn’t give it up for anything.)

3 6.3 Listen again and choose the correct answers. (S. B. page 6)

1. What did Hani most dislike about his life before becoming a digital nomad?

a. not enough holidays
b. the repetitive work routine
c. the long commute to work

2. How did Hani’s parents feel about his decision to adopt the nomad lifestyle?

a. They were concerned he might never come back.
b. They were worried he wouldn’t earn enough money.
c. They feared he might get homesick.

3. When choosing a new location, Hani is most interested in places

a. which offer an exciting lifestyle.
b. which are by the sea.
c. where there are a range of shared working spaces.

4. What does Hani say about his life on the move?

a. It can be hard to meet like-minded people.
b It’s not easy to maintain relationships with his circle of friends at home.
c He occasionally misses his home comforts.

5. For Hani, what is the biggest challenge of working remotely?

a. the inability to switch of from work
b. poor Internet connectivity in some places
c feeling like you’re on holiday and not wanting to work

1. a             2. b             3. c         4. b         5. a

4) Complete the phrases which you heard with the words from the box. (S. B. page 6)

comforts / down  / move / remotely / roots / space to / one / place

1. on the move                         2. home comforts

3. work remotely                    4. put down roots

5. co-working space               6. settle down

7. tied down to one place

5) Complete the sentences with the phrases from Exercise 4. (S. B. page 6)

1. Does the idea of a life …………..appeal to you?
2. Would you prefer to or in a company o…………… ce?
3. Would you prefer to work from home or in a……………?
4. If you became a digital nomad, which of your……………..would you miss the most?
5. What do you think is a suitable age to…………..and get a job?
6. If you had to move to another country, what would help you to ……….in the new place?
7. Why do you think some people hate being …………..?  Why do they prefer a nomadic lifestyle?


1. on the move                      2. work remotely             3. co-working space
4. home comforts                 5. settle down                   6. put down roots
7. tied down to one place


Work Book

1 Listen to some sentences about education. What happens to the sounds /t/ and /d/ in the underlined phrases?

1 You know education is very important, don’t you?

2 How much of your time, would you say, is spent on academic study?

3 I held your hand on your first day at school.

4 Can’t you understand this homework?

Suggested answer

When followed by /j/, the sounds /t/ and /d/ alter to /ʧ/ and /ʤ/ respectively. This happens because the tongue moves closer to the palate in order to be closer to the position it takes in the /j/ sound.

2 Listen and notice how the sounds /t/ and /d/ change. Practise saying the words in isolation and in phrases.

1 hold                 hold you

2 did                   did you

3 would             would you

4 meet               meet you

5 hit                   hit you

6 get                  get you


1 /d/, /ʤ/        2 /d/, /ʤ/           3 /d/, /ʤ/        4/t/, /ʧ/        5/t/, /ʧ/         6/t/, /ʧ/