1 Look at the cartoons and say if the people are optimists or pessimists. Are you usually optimistic or pessimistic in these situations?
Students’ own answers
Future predictions: going to and will
2 Match sentences 1–2 with descriptions a–b. Then study the Grammar box and check your answer.
1 (Before the haircut) We’ll look great at the graduation dinner.
2 (After the haircut) Everyone’s going to laugh at me.
a 1 a hope or a guess
b 2 a prediction based on evidence
3 Complete the conversations with reasons a–d. Then in pairs, read the two exchanges.
A 1 d It’s going to rain.
B It won’t rain. The weather will be fi ne. 2 b
A We’re going to miss the train.3 c
B Don’t worry, the train won’t be on time.4 a
a I believe it’s usually late.
b In my opinion, it’ll be sunny all day.
c It leaves in 15 minutes and the station is miles away.
d Look! There are black clouds in the sky.
4 SPEAKING In groups, talk about you and people you know using going to and will and the vocabulary from Exercise 3.
A Are you going to look for a job or go to university when you leave school?
B I’m not sure but I think I’ll probably go to university. You won’t find a good job here if you don’t.
C Do you think you’ll work abroad one day?