1 Look at the photo. Is the glass half full, half empty or completely full? Discuss in pairs. Then go to page 75 and check. Are you an optimist, a pessimist or a realist?
Students’ own answers
2 You are going to listen to a talk about optimism and pessimism. In pairs, say if you think these statements are true or false. Then listen and check.
1 f Identical twins have identical personalities.
2 f Our personalities depend completely on our life experiences.
3 t The children of happy parents tend to grow up to be optimistic.
4 f There is nothing good about being a pessimist.
5 t Optimists have healthier lives than pessimists.
6 t Optimists tend to be more successful than pessimists.
3 Listen to the end of the talk and answer the questions.
1 Does the speaker think it’s better to be an optimist or a pessimist?
It’s better to be an optimist.
2 What problems does she mention with people who are too optimistic?
People who are too optimistic may take unnecessary risks or waste time with impossible dreams
4 DICTATION Listen to the joke from the talk again and write down what you hear.
5 Check you understand the highlighted verbs describing feelings.
1 I adore challenges.
2 I feel positive about life.
3 I hate being on my own.
4 I can’t stand trying new things.
5 I often feel like jumping for joy.
6 I’m looking forward to leaving school and getting a job.
7 I don’t care what happens to me in the future.
8 I feel excited about something that’s going to happen in my life.
6 In pairs, say if the sentences from Exercise 5 are true for you. If they aren’t, change them to make them true.
Students’ own answers
7 SPEAKING In pairs, use the ideas below to make predictions with will or going to. Then say if you think your partner is an optimist, a pessimist or a realist.
1 finish the class early today
2 enjoy yourself next weekend
3 be sunny/wet next weekend
Students’ own answers