اللغة الإنجليزية فصل ثاني




Look and match. Then listen, check and repeat.



2 Read the story in Lesson 5 again and find words from Activity 1.


3 Think about the story in Lesson 5. Are the sentences true or false? Why?

The children had breakfast and then they looked in their guidebook. T

1- They packed food and water and then they started walking. T

2- They climbed the hill and then they crossed the valley. F

(They crossed the valley and then climbed the hill.)

      3 The people in the helicopter pulled Abbas up and then they took him to hospital. F

(The people in the helicopter pulled the man up and then they took him to hospital.)

حل اسئلة الدرس السادس والسابع انجليزي سابع

5 Listen to Hassan. Where did he and his dad put their tent?

Answer:  on the beach

6 ​​​​​​​Listen again and number the events in the correct order.

• watched the sunset. 4

• went to sleep, but were woken up suddenly. 5

• went fi shing and then cooked dinner. 2

 • put up their tent and went for a walk. 1

• told adventure stories. 3

• took down the tent quickly and went home. 6


حل اسئلة الدرس السادس والسابع انجليزي سابع0​​​​​​​


  • After he had gone hiking in the woods, he walked home with Jon.
  • After he had walked home with Jon, he ate lunch in the bay. After he had eaten lunch in the bay, he took photos in the valley.
  • After he had taken photos in the valley, he watched the sunset.
  • After he had watched the sunset, he visited his grandma.
  • After he had visited his grandma, he had dinner. After he had had dinner, he went to bed.