Unit 5
Lesson 6
Communication Workshop Taking part in a debate
SB page: 56
Taking part in a debate
Note: taking part is the synonyme of participating
*Before starting our lesson. Let's know what do we mean by debate.
A debate: a discussion or argument carried on between two teams or sides.
*While reading:
Should technology be introduced into football? A: We need technology in football! Too many serious mistakes are made where the best team has victory taken away from them. B: I don’t think so. Technology could ruin football! Referees watch games to make sure players follow the rules. A: The reason why I think technology should be introduced is that referees are only human; they need the help of technology so we can get every decision right. B: I disagree with you. I don’t think technology is necessary because it can be expensive. Also, we would spend too much time watching replays rather than watching the game. A: With millions of people watching and fortunes being won and lost, we cannot allow errors in football! B: Whether it is played in a park or in front of 90,000 people, football must be played with the same rules. Besides, talking about the mistakes is part of the fun! |
*After reading:
SB page 56 : /exercie 1:
1 In a group, read the conversation again and make a list of the positive and the negative points given concerning technology in football. Then, write down any additional ideas
Suggested answer:
You have to to think of two sides for every argument.
SB page 56 / exercise 2:
2 Read the Writing Strategies.
Writing Strategies: Persuasion ●First, think of reasons to back up your argument (e.g. technology can be expensive). Make sure the reasons are relevant to your argument. Write down some ideas on a piece of paper. ● Then, present your reasons simply and clearly and support them with evidence. Use words and expressions like because, the reason why, etc |
The answer: Student's own answer.
SB page 56/ exercise 3:
3 Following the Writing Strategies, work in a group to write an argument for or against the use of technology in sports and back it up with reasons and evidence. Use the conversation above as an example. Then, have a debate to present your ideas. Use expressions like You’re right, I see what you mean, etc. and I disagree with you, I don’t think so, etc. to agree or disagree with different point
The answer: