1 In pairs, describe the photos. What is the girl doing in the second photo? How does she feel in both photos?
Suggested answer
In the photo on the right a girl is driving a car. Perhaps she’s taking a driving lesson or taking her driving test. The girl feels anxious/nervous/worried/stressed. In the photo on the left the girl is with a group of friends and looks much happier, perhaps she passed her driving test.
2 Listen to Part 1 of the story and decide if statements 1–6 are true or false.
1 f Heba is looking forward to her driving test.
2 t She doesn’t need to sit the theory test.
3 t Nour is trying to be funny.
4 f Heba drove into a tree during a driving lesson.
5 t The weather forecast isn’t great for tomorrow.
6 f Heba enjoys driving in bad weather.
3 Study the Speaking box. Then listen to Part 1 of the story again and complete the sentences.
1 I’m sitting my driving test tomorrow morning and I don’t think I’ll pass.
2 I’ll definitely stay away from the High Street tomorrow morning.
3 Don’t worry about it, Heba. I’m sure you’ll pass … Well, probably pass.
4 I’m sure I won’t pass. Something will definitely go wrong. I probably won’t Manage to start the car or maybe I’ll drive into a tree.
5 You almost certainly won’t drive into a tree.
You may drive into a lamppost .
6 It might be sunny.
7 They say it’ll definitely rain tomorrow.
It’s possible there’ll be a bad storm.
8 I’m sure it’ll be a complete disaster.
4 In groups, say if you think Heba will pass or fail her driving test. Use phrases from the Speaking box. Then listen to Part 2 of the story and check.
A I don’t think she’ll pass.
B No, I don’t agree. She might pass.
Students’ own answers
5 Research the probability of a type of weather happening in your local area over the next week. Make a short presentation to the class.