اللغة الإنجليزية فصل ثاني




Pupil's book - unit 5 - lesson 7 - page 13

1- Listen, point and repeat.

2 Listen and sing.

Listen and sing

What is the Past Continuous Tense?

The past continuous tense is used to describe actions that were ongoing at a specific time in the past. It emphasizes the duration of the action rather than its completion


Subject + was/were + verb -ing


  • I was reading a book when you called.
  • They were playing tennis at 3 pm.


Negative Form:

Subject + wasn`t/weren`t + verb-ing


  • I wasn't working yesterday.
  • They weren't sleeping when I arrived.


Interrogative Form

Was/Were + subject + verb-ing?


  • Was she studying at the library?
  • Were they watching TV at 8 pm?


Using 'when' and 'while' with the past simple and the past continuous

> we can use the past continuous with the past simple to describe situation in the past when a continuous action was interrupted
> we can use 'when' and 'while' with sentence that combine the past continuous tenses and the past simple tenses.

past continuous and past simple

Example: she was studying when the phone rang.


past continuous and past simple1

Example: the phone rang while she was studying.


3 Listen and repeat.

Listen and repeat.

4 In pairs, ask and answer questions about the song.

In pairs, ask and answer questions about the song