A report
►Begin with an introduction and how you obtained the information
-The aim/purpose of this report is to...
-The report is intended to...
-The report is based on a survey of...
► Use linkers like regarding or with regard to (to announce a change of topic)
► Report the opinions
Some expressed a wish for/preference for/concern that.
Many- were of the opinion/view that .... .....matter had no strong feelings on the matter
Opinions were divided about...
Some people commented that
► Use quantifiers to express people's opinions
- Just over half ... Approximately half ...
- The majority of ... Some/Several/Many/All/None/Hardly anybody ...
- A few/A large/A significant number of ...
► Conclusion and recommendations
- In conclusion, it seems/appears that ...
- I would strongly recommend....
- The best solution would seem to be