اللغة الإنجليزية فصل ثاني


Activity Book

1 Read and complete the dialogue. Then listen and check.

  1.  Should we play golf or squash?
  2.  Would you prefer to go horse-riding
  3. There are so many activities we can do
  4. I think that sounds excellent!
  5. I’d rather go kite surfing.
  6. f I’d rather play squash on day two,

Omar: I’m really looking forward to our beach holiday.

 Talal: Me too! There are so many activities we can do.

 Omar: So, on day one, would you rather go kite surfing or surfboarding?

 Talal: Oh, that’s easy! I’d rather go kite surfing. And you?

 Omar: I agree with you. I’ve always wanted to try that.

Talal: Let’s have a look at day two.3 should we play golf or squash?

 Omar: I think we should play golf. I’m terrible at squash.

Talal: Really? 4 I’d rather play squash on day two, but we can do different things.

 Omar: What about day three?

Talal: Let’s have a look. 5 would you prefer to go horse riding or go-karting?

Omar: Well, I’ve been go-karting before, so I’d prefer to try horse-riding.

 Talal: I think that sounds excellent. I can’t wait

2 Read and complete the dialogues with your own ideas. Then act them out.

 A: Should we play  ---------------------  or  -------------

B: I think we should --------------------------.

A: Would you rather ------------------------------- or -----------------------

B: I’d rather ------------------------

 A: Should we ----------------------  or -----------------------

B: I think we should --------------------------

A: Would you prefer to --------------------------------- or -----------------------------

B: I’d prefer to -----------------------------------

3- Listen and match. Then listen and repeat. Practice with your partner.

1- I’d finished eating breakfast. (e)
2- After we’d cycled for an hour. (d) 
3- They’d checked their work. (a)
4- After I’d finished the housework. (c)
5- We’d visited the whole museum. (b)