اللغة الإنجليزية فصل أول



Module 1

Lessons 4 and 5

Student’s Book pages 8 and 9

People from the past

SB 8                          SB 8


Before you start

Who are the three most famous people in your opinion? Discuss with a partner.


I think that [Dina Hattab] is one of the most famous people in Jordan because [everybody knows about her marathon running].


The key words

The word / phrase

The meaning

The part of speech


having learnt a skill or subject by practising it yourself rather than in a school


to pursue    

to continue doing an activity       






extremely important



the ruler in Ancient Egypt


to reign

to rule, as a king or queen



difficult to understand or explain



the study of knowledge and the nature of life





While reading

Books Weekly

There are many people who are still famous today because of what they did or who they were. Here are three that we, at Books Weekly, think are some of the most famous.


Tutankhamun is one of the most famous rulers in history, but we know very little about his life. He became famous when the English archaeologist Howard Carter discovered his secret tomb in 1922. Inside the tomb, Carter found a superb collection of valuable objects. These included the impressive mask of Tutankhamun, which is probably the most well-known object from Ancient Egypt. Tutankhamun was only a boy when he became a pharaoh in Ancient Egypt around 2,500 years ago. He reigned for only a few years and died very young. His death is mysterious.


Fadwa Toukan

Fadwa Touqan is one of the greatest poets of Palestine in the 20th century. Born in Nabulus to a well-known wealthy family, Touqan also carried the Jordanian nationality. Even though she was not given the opportunity to pursue her education, she still insisted on studying and was self-taught with the assistance of her brother, Ibrahim Touqan. She was considered a great figure of modern Arabic literature and received many awards including the United Arab Emirates Award in 1990 and the Honorary is one of the Prize for Poetry in 1996. She died in 2003.


Ibn Sina

Ibn Sina or Avicenna, was one of the most famous scientists. He was born around 980 CE in Afshana, in present-day Uzbekistan. Most of his written work focused mainly on philosophy and medicine. He’s well known for writing a scientific and philosophical encyclopaedia called The Book of Healing and he is considered the Father of modern medicine. This encyclopaedia was adopted as a medical textbook in many universities at that time. Ibn Sina’s works also included writings on astronomy, psychology, mathematics, physics and poetry. He died in Hamadan, in Persia, in June 1037 CE.


The text talks about:

  • Famous people from the past.
  • Their achievements that made them famous.



After reading

-Mention the famous people that are mentioned in the text.


Fadwa Toukan

Ibn Sina


The famous person

Birth and Death




his death is mysterious.

one of the most famous rulers in history, a pharaoh in Ancient Egypt 2,500 years ago

Tutankhamun was only a boy when he became a pharaoh in Ancient Egypt around 2,500 years ago. He reigned for only a few years and died very young.

Fadwa Toukan

She died in 2003

one of the greatest poets of Palestine in the 20th century

She received many awards including the United Arab Emirates Award in 1990 and the Honorary is one of the Prize for Poetry in 1996.

Ibn Sina

He was born around 980 CE in Afshana, in present-day Uzbekistan, he died in Hamadan, in Persia, in June 1037 CE.

one of the most famous scientists

1-He’s well known for writing a scientific and philosophical encyclopaedia called The Book of Healing.

2-He is considered the Father of modern medicine.

3-This encyclopaedia was adopted as a medical textbook in many universities at that time.

4-Ibn Sina’s works also included writings on astronomy, psychology, mathematics, physics and poetry.