اللغة الإنجليزية فصل أول
- Module 2/ lesson 4 and 5: To determine the meanings of words in context related to recycling
- Module 2/lesson 4 and 5:To read instructions for recycling
- Module 2/ lesson 4 and 5: To talk about recycling and ways to help the preservation of the environment
- Module 2/ lesson 4 aand 5:To practise the vocabulary related to recycling and the environment in context
- Module 2/ lesson 4 and 5: To practise the Present Simple tense in a text
- Module 2/ lesson 4 and 5: To listen to a dialogue about the Kids Ecology Club
- Module 2/lesson 4 and 5 To write a list of reusable things
- Module 2/ lesson 4 and 5 To write notes about recycling (Refer to Teacher’s Book page 14 for instructions on how to take notes)