اللغة الإنجليزية فصل أول

المواد المشتركة توجيهي


Revision A


Students' Book Page 41,

exercise 1
1 Read the beginning of a newspaper article .

                                                  A problem for our wildlife
Despite the best efforts of conservation groups and their campaigns, the world’s population of many species, including African elephants, tigers and seals, is still decreasing. It is people’s increasing need for land and resources, along with hunting and fishing, which are responsible for this rapid decline in wildlife. Exotic mammals such as big cats are threatened the most, but even common birds and insects in many parts of the world are in danger of dying out forever. According to a report by the World Wildlife Fund and the Zoological Society of London, wildlife populations around the world have been reduced by 52 per cent on average since 1970 CE.












  • Many species of animals are in danger of extinction like African elephants, tigers and seals.
  • There are several reasons that lead to the extinction of these species of animals, such as:
  1. The increasing need for land and resources.
  2. The increasing need for hunting and fishing.
  • The most threatened animals are exotic mammals such as big cats , common birds and insects in many parts of the world.
  • Wildlife populations around the world have been reduced by 52 per cent.
  • The word decline means to decrease in quantity or importance.
  • The underlined pronoun 'which' refers to people’s increasing need for land and resources, along with hunting and fishing.
  • The underlined pronoun their refers to conservation groups.


Activity Book, page 29, exercises 1 

1 Read the beginning of this article about Ibn Rushd.

Ibn Rushd was a famous Islamic polymath who was born in Cordoba, Al-Andalus, in
the twelfth century. During his lifetime, he was widely known and respected for his
teaching and his books. Even now, nearly nine hundred years after his birth, he is still
remembered as a great scholar, scientist and writer. In fact, he is even remembered
in space because scientists named an asteroid (that’s a rock which orbits the
sun) after him, in honour of his great contributions to astronomy.








  • Ibn Rushd was a famous Islamic polymath.
  • The word polymath means Someone who has a lot of knowledge about many different subjects.
  • Ibn Rushd was born in Cordoba, Al-Andalus, in the twelfth century.
  • Ibn Rushd was born nine hundred years ago.
  • Ibn Rushd was widely known and respected for his teaching and his books.
  • Ibn Rushd was a great scholar, scientist and writer.
  • The unusual way of honouring Ibn Rushd is naming an asteroid after him, in honour of his great contributions to astronomy. 
  • Ibn Rushd is remembered in space because scientists named an asteroid after him, in honour of his great contributions to astronomy.
  • The word asteroid means a rock which orbits the sun.
  • The underlined pronoun 'him' refers to Ibn Rushd.