1- What words can describe people you know?
What doesn’t belong in the picture?
The clock on the ice cream van.
Who is dropping litter? Where is the sandcastle?
The woman in a blue tracksuit. On the left of the picture. It’s in the sand pit, between the blond boy and the boy in green.
Find someone with a moustache (1) and someone with a beard (2)
2- Listen, point and repeat
hard-working doing a job well |
lazy not wanting to work |
confident certain about your ability to do |
shy not confident |
quiet not making noise |
kind nice and generous to others |
cheerful happy |
friendly behaving in a kind way because you like somebody or want to help |
untidy not tidy |
tidy keeping things in order and in |
rude not polite |
polite showing respect for other people |
3- Look for the words from Activity 2 in the picture on page 8. Write the missing word.
4- Finish the sentences.
5- Read your descriptions from Activity 4 to a partner. Can they guess the job?