اللغة الإنجليزية فصل ثاني



Unit 10

Lesson 2

Student’s Book page 77



GRAMMAR: The Past Simple Passive

● We use the Past Simple Passive when an action or idea is more important than the person or thing that did or imagined it (the agent). In such cases, we either don’t know, or are not interested in the identity of the agent.

-During his lifetime, Leonardo was admired and greatly respected.  -His notebooks were filled with drawings of many things.

● We also use the Past Simple Passive to describe a process, where, again, we either don’t know or are not interested in who carried out the process.

-When he died in 1519 CE, Leonardo wasn't understood.

● We form the Past Simple Passive with

subject + was / were + the past participle.

-Leonardo was also very interested in machines. 

-His works were not really understood.

● We form the negative of the Past Simple Passive with

subject + was / were + not + the past participle of the verb. Was / were + not are usually contracted to wasn’t / weren’t.

-Leonardo wasn’t understood.

-Many of his paintings weren’t finished.

● We form questions in the Past Simple Passive by changing the order of the words. We may also use a question word.

-Who was Sunflowers painted by?

-When was the painting finished?

● When it is important to mention the person or thing that did the action, we use by.

-Sunflowers was painted by Van Gogh.

-The Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo da Vinci.