اللغة الإنجليزية فصل أول

المواد المشتركة توجيهي


Unit 2

A healthy life

Student's book page 14

Before you begin

1  Look at the photographs. What medical treatments can you see?


a. herbal remedy      b. acupuncture        c. immunisation


Word Meaning
acupuncture a system of complementary medicine in which fine needles are inserted in the skin at specific points
  ailment illness    

a reaction of the immune system when it is sensitive to something; this reaction comes in the form of sneezing, itchy eyes or a skin rash

arthritis a disease causing painful inflammation and stiffness of the joints
Herbal remedy an extract or mixture of a plant used to prevent, alleviate, or cure disease
homoeopathy a system of complementary medicine in which illnesses are treated by minute doses of herbs and other natural substances
immunisation the process by which an individual’s immune system becomes protected against an illness
malaria a dangerous disease transmitted by mosquitoes

a very bad headache which often comes with a feeling of sickness and problems with vision

Viable effective and able to be successful
conventional having been used for a long time and is considered usual
antibody a substance produced by the body to fight disease
option something that is or may be chosen
practitioner someone who is qualified or registered to practise a particular occupation or profession
career A job undertaken for a significant period of a person’s life and with opportunities for progress


2 DW Read the words in the box. Check the meaning of any word(s) that you do not know in the Glossary on pages 90–92 or in a dictionary. Group the words in two categories:

             acupuncture       ailment        allergy        arthritis        herbal remedy            homoeopathy       immunisation      malaria       migraine

1. health treatments                                     2. illnesses or medical conditions

Health treatment illnesses or medical conditions

acupuncture - herbal remedy

-homoeopathy - immunisation

ailment - allergy - malaria - migraine


  This article is about complementary medicine. Listen and read. What medical conditions may be treated using complementary medicine?

                       Complementary medicine: is it really a solution?

      Most doctors used to be sceptical about the validity of homoeopathy, acupuncture and other forms of complementary medicine. If patients wanted to receive this kind of non-conventional treatment, they used to have to consult a private practitioner who was likely not to have a medical degree. However, in recent years, the perception of this type of treatment has changed. These days, many family doctors study complementary medicine alongside conventional treatments, and many complementary medicine consultants also have medical degrees.

   Whereas critics used to say that there was no scientific evidence that non-conventional treatments actually worked, now it is more common for medical experts to recognise that conventional medicine may not always be the only way to treat an ailment.

     At a surgery in London, 70 per cent of patients who were offered the choice between a herbal or a conventional medicine for common complaints such as insomnia, arthritis and migraines chose the herbal remedy. Fifty per cent of patients then said that the treatment helped. One doctor said, "I now consider homoeopathy to be a viable option for many different conditions, including anxiety, depression and certain allergies. It provides another option when conventional medicine does not address the problem adequately."

    However, complementary medicine cannot be used for all medical treatments. It can never substitute for immunisations as it will not produce the antibodies needed to protect against childhood diseases. It also cannot be used to protect against malaria.

       One doctor said, "I will always turn to conventional medical treatment first to ensure that no underlying condition is missed. However, the idea of complementary treatments is no longer an alien concept. In my opinion, it should work alongside modern medicine, and not against it."

     What medical conditions may it be possible to treat using complementary medicine?


    insomnia, arthritis, migraines, anxiety, depression and certain allergies.


        Complementary medicine: is it really a solution?

   Most doctors used to be sceptical about the validity of homoeopathy, acupuncture and other forms of complementary medicine. If patients wanted to receive this kind of non-conventional treatment, they used to have to consult a private practitioner who was likely not to have a medical degree. However, in recent years, the perception of this type of treatment has changed. These days, many family doctors study complementary medicine alongside conventional treatments, and many complementary medicine consultants also have medical degrees.
  •   Two forms of non-conventional (complementary medicine) are mentioned in the text above:

         1. homoeopathy   2. acupuncture

  • The underlined word sceptical  means having doubts; not easily convinced 
  • The underlined pronoun they refers to patients
  • Traditional/ conventional treatment means treatment done by doctors and medicine(pills/tablets...etc.)
  • Non-traditional/non-conventional treatment means treatment done by using complementary medicine(herbs/acupuncture/homoeopathy)
  • The underlined relative pronoun who refers to a private practitioner


  • The reasons for the recent change in the perception of complementary medicine are: 

          1. many family doctors study complementary medicine alongside conventional treatments

       2. many complementary medicine consultants also have medical degrees.


Whereas critics used to say that there was no scientific evidence that non-conventional treatments actually worked, now it is more common for medical experts to recognise that conventional medicine may not always be the only way to treat an ailment.

          The views about complementary medicine have changed through time.

        In the past, those who criticised the validity of non-conventional treatments used to say that there wasn't a scientific evidence they worked.

       Now, medical experts recognise that there could be more ways to treat ailments rather than conventional medicine.

       The underlined word ailment means illness.


     At a surgery in London, 70 per cent of patients who were offered the choice between a herbal or a conventional medicine for common complaints such as insomnia, arthritis and migraines chose the herbal remedy. Fifty per cent of patients then said that the treatment helped. One doctor said, "I now consider homoeopathy to be a viable option for many different conditions, including anxiety, depression and certain allergies. It provides another option when conventional medicine does not address the problem adequately."

     At the surgery made in London, fifty per cent of patients (half of the patients) said that the herbal remedy helped them.

     70% of patients in the surgery chose herbal remedy over conventional medicine for common complaints including:

     - insomnia

      - arthritis

      - migraines

    The underlined word viable means effective and able to be successful.

    According to the doctor mentioned in the article, homoeopathy could be a successful treatment for many different conditions such as:

     - anxiety

     - depression

    - certain allergies.

    The doctor said that non-conventional treatment is considered another possible choice that doctors could turn to when conventional medicine doesn't address the problem properly.

The underlined pronoun it refers to homoeopathy.

However, complementary medicine cannot be used for all medical treatments. It can never substitute for immunisations as it will not produce the antibodies needed to protect against childhood diseases. It also cannot be used to protect against malaria.

     Complementary medicine can't be used for all medical treatments.

     Complementary medicine can never replace immunisation.

   The reason for not using complementary medicine as a substitute for immunisation is that it can't produce the antibodies needed to protect against childhood diseases.

   Complementary medicine can't be used to protect against or treat malaria.

   The underlined pronoun 'It' refers to: complementary medicine

   One doctor said, "I will always turn to conventional medical treatment first to ensure that no underlying condition is missed. However, the idea of complementary treatments is no longer an alien concept. In my opinion, it(1)  should work alongside modern medicine, and not against it.''(2)

    The reason why doctors always turn to conventional treatment is to make sure that no underlying (hidden) condition is missed.

   The concept of using complementary treatments is no longer alien (strange) to doctors.

   The underlined pronoun it(1) refers to complementary medicine.

   The underlined pronoun it(2) refers to modern medicine.

