Unit 3
Lesson 1
Student’s Book pages 26-27
The Nobel Prize
Before you begin
Look at the picture
1 Who are the scientists in the photographs? What are they famous for?
Sir Alexander Fleming- Medicine
Albert Einstein-Physics
Marie Curie-Physics and Chemistry
2 Read the words in the box. Which can refer to Nobel Prizes? Check the meaning of any words you don’t know in the Activity Book Glossary or in a dictionary
Noble Prize Medicine Physics Chemistry Economic Sciences Literature Peace DNA |
Medicine, Physics, Chemistry, Economic Sciences, Literature, Peace
3 Read and listen to the article about famous scientists. What famous scientists do you know? Make a list and discuss it in pairs.
Super scientists
In the last thousand years, science has made much progress. In the past, Arab scientists like Abbas Ibn Firnas and Al Zahrawi made several important discoveries. These great people of the past had a huge influence on different fields of human knowledge. Their work has changed our daily lives today. Nowadays, science is an international subject. In 1901 CE, a Swedish scientist called Alfred Nobel founded the Nobel Prize. Since then, there have been six Nobel Prizes every year. They are for Medicine, Physics, Chemistry, Economic Sciences, Literature and Peace. Since 1901 CE, there have been more than 700 Nobel Prize winners.
Marie Curie was a Polish scientist. She was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize. In fact, she was the winner of two Nobel Prizes – for Physics in 1903 CE and for Chemistry in 1911 CE. Her great discovery was radium.
In 1921 CE, the German scientist Albert Einstein received the Nobel Prize for Physics. He did important research into light and how it travels.
The Scottish doctor Sir Alexander Fleming won the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1945 CE. In 1929 CE, Fleming discovered penicillin, which is a very important medicine today.
In 1962 CE, British and American scientists Francis Crick and James Watson won the Nobel Prize for Medicine. Together, they found out more about DNA. It is DNA that makes each of us different!
Students’ own answers
4 Read and listen to the article again. Then, answer the questions.
1 What do the words in bold refer to?
2 How did science develop throughout the years? Name the major discoveries and findings mentioned in the text.
3 Which of the discoveries and findings mentioned in the text do you think is the most important? Justify your answer.
4 In your opinion, what’s the importance of giving a Nobel Prize for Peace?
5 If you were to add a Nobel Prize for another field, what would it be for? Explain your choice.
1 Their: great people of the past
They: Noble Prizes
Her: Marie Curie
2 Many discoveries from the past influenced and changed our daily lives today. The four major discoveries mentioned in the text are Marie Curie’s discovery was radium, Albert Einstein’s research into light and how it travels, Sir Alexander Fleming’s discovery penicillin, and Francis Crick and James Watson findings about DNA.
3 Suggested answer: I think that findings about DNA are the most important because DNA carries genetic information.
4 Suggested answer: I think it’s important to have a Noble Prize for Peace because it motivates people to work for achieving freedom, stopping war and ending violence between countries.
5 Students’ own answers
5 Listen to the words in the box. Notice the sound of the a in the words. Listen again and repeat. Then, in pairs, put the words in the correct columns in the table.
has past made and last had change Alexander James |
have |
day |
are |
has and had
made change James |
past last Alexander
Unit 3
Lesson 1
Activity Book page 20
1 Complete the sentences about the Nobel Prize with the words from the box.
Chemistry Noble Prizes Literature Medicine Physics Peace |
1 In 1921 CE, Albert Einstein won the Nobel Prize in……………………….. for his research into light and how it travels.
2 The Swedish scientist Alfred Nobel founded the………………………. in 1901 CE.
3 In 1999 CE, the Nobel Prize in……………….. was awarded to Ahmad Zewail, an Egyptian scientist, for his work on chemical reactions.
4 The Nobel Prize in……………………… for the year 1945 CE was awarded to Sir Alexander Fleming for his discovery of penicillin.
5 Since 1901 CE, there have been six Nobel Prizes every year for Sciences,…………………… , Medicine, Physics, Chemistry, Economic Sciences and Peace.
Page 20, Exercise 1
1 Physics
2 Nobel Prizes
3 Chemistry
4 Medicine
5 Literature