اللغة الإنجليزية فصل أول



Unit 3

Lessons 4-5-6

Student’s Book pages 29-30-31


READING: The Nobel Prize conferences

5 Work in pairs. Do you know anything about the Nobel Prize conferences? Where have they been held?


Student’s own answers


6 Read the text, and check your answers to exercise 5. Read the text, and check your answers to exercise 5.

sb 29

In 2005 CE, His Majesty King Abdullah II Ibn Al Hussein started an important event. In Petra, Jordan, every year, many people who had won Nobel Prizes that year were invited to take part in a conference to talk about and try to solve the world’s problems. Prize winners in all six disciplines were invited. His Majesty King Abdullah wanted to have the yearly event in Petra because of the city’s history. The environment of Petra presented problems for the Nabatean people when they wanted to build a city. However, the people succeeded, and now the city has many visitors from all over the world.

There have been a number of conferences in Petra since 2005 CE. Famous Nobel Prize winners along with young people from Jordan and other countries in the Middle East talked about peace, medicine, science and culture. It has always been a wonderful and very special event!


The Nobel Prize conferences are held in Petra, Jordan. Many people who had won Nobel Prizes participate in the conferences to talk about the world’s problems and try to solve them.



7 Read the text again, and answer the questions.

1 Who started the event in Petra?

2 Why was the event held in Petra?

3 What happened at the conferences?

4 What world problem would you like to be solved the most?


1 His Majesty King Abdullah II Ibn Al Hussein.

2 The city served as inspiration to solve difficult problems as in the past, the Nabatean solved many problems to build the city.




8 Work in a group. Who would you award a Nobel Prize to, in what field and why? Write some notes and then discuss with your class.


Student’s own answers




9 Write a short text about your chosen Nobel Prize winner and why you are awarding them the prize.


Student’s own answers




Read the quotation. Do you agree with it? Why/Why not? Translate the quotation into Arabic.


I never see what has been done; I only see what remains to be done.

Marie Curie, scientist (1867 CE–1934 CE)

لا أرى بداً ما قد أنجز وإنما ألحظ مابقي لينجز.



sb 30


1 The words in bold are in the wrong sentences. Put them in the correct place.

1 Radium is one of the major research that Marie Curie made. ________________

2 A scientist uses a hypothesis to look at very small objects that are invisible to the human eye._________________

3 I conducted findings into the importance of science in our daily lives. ________________

4 A fl ask and a beaker are report used by scientists. _______________

5 The teacher admired the informative equipment his student wrote about the history of the Nobel prize. __________________

6 Einstein made a microscope about how light is transmitted before he did an experiment to test it. _______________________


1 findings

2 microscope

3 research

4 equipment

5 report

6 hypothesis




sb 30 b

2 Read Robert’s letter. What does he want help with?


Student’s own answers


3 Read Robert’s father’s reply. Did he answer Robert’s question? How?

Dear Dad,

I’m doing an interesting science project at school at the moment. Can you help me? For instance, what do scientists do when they carry out experiments?




Dear Robert,

I’m delighted that you are showing interest in my work as a scientist! At the moment I am working on an important project. There’s a lot of very useful equipment here, and I am using this equipment to carry out my experiments. For example, there’s a huge microscope in the laboratory, which is helping me with my research.

When scientists carry out an experiment, they first decide what to investigate. They ask a question about why something is happening and try to think of a possible answer. This possible answer is called a hypothesis. Scientists then carry out experiments to test their hypothesis. They observe the results and, if necessary, they change their hypothesis. Finally, scientists write a report about what they have found out. This is how they share their findings with other scientists.

I’m only working here for two more weeks. Then I’m coming home!

With love,



Yes, Robert’s father answered Robert’s question by giving him some instructions on what to do when carrying out an experiment. He did that based on his own experience because he is a scientist himself.


4 Read Robert’s father’s letter again and order the events.

a He writes a report.

b He observes the results.

c Then, he carries out experiments to test the hypothesis.

d The scientist decides what to investigate. 1

e He might change his hypothesis.

f He creates a hypothesis.


1 d

2 f

3 c

4 b

5 e

6 a


GRAMMAR: The Present Continuous

5 Use clues from the letter on page 30 to describe what the people are doing in each picture.

sb 31

sb 31 b


1 Picture a: She is looking down the microscope.

2 Picture b: He is observing the results.

3 Picture c: He is setting up an experiment.

4 Picture d: She is writing a report.




6 In pairs, ask and answer questions about the pictures in exercise 5.

A: Are you writing a report? B: No, I’m not. I’m observing the results. Are you writing a report? A: Yes, I am.

Suggested answers

A: Are you writing a report?

B: No, I’m not. I’m observing the results. Are you writing a report?

A: Yes, I am. Are you looking down a microscope.

B: No, I’m not. I’m setting up an experiment.



7 Write a letter to a relative about a school project you are working on at the moment. Tell them what you are learning about and how you are doing the work. Then, edit your work for spelling, punctuation and clarity of ideas.


Student’s own answers




Unit 3

Lessons 4-5-6

Activity Book pages 22-23



8 Complete the text with the words related to healthcare from the box.

equipment      progress       findings      laboratory      microscope      report  

research      hypothesis

ab 22


I chose to become a Medical Technologist because I always knew I wanted a career in healthcare. After completing my Science degree, I got my first job in a (1) laboratory. I’ll never forget the first time I put on my white coat. It was really exciting!

A typical work day for me starts at 7:00 am and ends at 3:30 pm. I am responsible for performing tests on blood samples from hospital patients. Scientists are always coming up with new (2)……………………… about how diseases are caused, and they then carry out (3)……………………. to test whether these ideas should be explored further. Our laboratory has a lot of the most up-to-date technological (4)………………….. to help us do this, for example, this very expensive scientific (5)………………….. that I am using to analyse the blood sample. I am still working on something now but when I finish it, I’ll write up my (6)……………………. in a (7)…………………. , and the doctors will study it.


9 Match the verbs and the nouns to make phrases.

1 choose                                a a report

2 report                                 b an experiment

3 carry out                           c a microscope

4 look down                        d a hypothesis

5 investigate                       e a subject to investigate

6 write                                 f the results



10 Correct the underlined verb form in each sentence. Then, rewrite the sentences using the correct tense.

1 Scientists first ask a question about why something will happening, and then try to explain it with a hypothesis.

2 All around the world, scientists are discovered new cures for diseases.

3 Today, scientists makes progress in all the different fields of the subject.

4 Science today will change our lives, and it has the answer to many of the world’s problems.




11 Prepare a survey for some of your classmates or family members. First, choose a subject to investigate. Choose something that most people will have an opinion about or experience of, for example TV programmes / school subjects / sports / hobbies, etc. Write a list of 5 questions to ask about the subject.






Use this survey chart to fill in your questions, your interviewees' names and their answers.



























12 When you have finished, write your findings in a short report.

ab 23


Page 22, Exercise 8

1 laboratory

2 hypotheses

3 research

4 equipment

5 microscope

6 findings

7 report


Page 22, Exercise 9

1 e

2 f

3 b

4 c

5 d

6 a


Page 22, Exercise 10

1 Scientists first ask a question about why something is happening, and then try to explain it with a hypothesis.

2 All around the world, scientists are discovering new cures for diseases.

3 Today, scientists are making progress in all the different fields of the subject.

4 Science today is changing our lives, and it has the answer to many of the world’s problems.


Page 23, Exercise 11

Students’ own answers


Page 23, Exercise 12

Students’ own answers