مدرسة جواكاديمي

هنا يمكنك تصفح مدرسة جو اكاديمي، المنهاج، اسئلة، شروحات، والكثير أيضاً

Unit 4 Lesson 6

اللغة الإنجليزية - الصف السابع

Lesson 6

Communication Workshop

Writing a report on the wonders of the world

1. Look at the picture .What does it show?

The answer: The Great Pyramid of Giza 

While reading

The Great Pyramid of Giza is a great wonder. It was built thousands of years ago. The pyramid was a very large monument. It was the shape of a triangle. It was made of rocks from the land. The pyramid was a big tomb. Tombs were places where ancient kings and queens were buried. Pyramids had underground rooms. The Pyramid of Giza had rooms for each of its kings and queens. It was the tallest building made by man, for thousands of years. The pyramid is still found today and it is in a very good condition.

After reading:

1 Read the report above. Then use the list of the seven locations you chose in exercise 5, page 48, and discuss in a group which location deserves to be a wonder.

The answer: Students’ own answers.



2 Choose one location and read about it. Write down its main characteristics. Here are some questions to consider:

1. What is the name of your wonder? Where is it?

2. What does your wonder look like?

a. How old is it?

b. What was it used for?

c. Is it still in the same condition that it used to be in the past?

3. Draw a picture of your location.

4. What makes your location so wonderful?

The answer: Students’ own answers



Lesson 8


Make a wonderful diorama

Before you start Find a large box, coloured paper, crayons or marker pens, a glue stick and scissors. You will need to use your wonder report.

Your task is ...

To make a diorama of your favourite wonder and tell your classmates about it.