Comprehension: Page 29, exercises 4 and 5
4 Listen to and read the article again. Working in pairs, summarise the achievements of the four people in the text.
Suggested answers
• Jabir ibn Hayyan is known as the founder of chemistry. He began the production of sulphuric acid and invented scales that could weigh very light things.
• Ali ibn Nafi ' established the first music school in the world in Cordoba, Al-Andalus, and introduced the Oud to Europe.
• Fatima al-Fihri built a learning centre in Morocco, which became a world famous university.
• Al-Kindi was a polymath, most famous for his work in arithmetic and geometry.
5 Do you think that it was easier or more difficult in those days to reach such high levels of achievement in comparison with the present day? Give a reason for your opinion.
Suggested answer
I think that it was more difficult for people in the past to reach such high levels of achievement in comparison with the present day: there was much less access to information in the past, so people likevAl-Kindi had to be truly revolutionary and creative in their thinking in order to succeed.
Activity Book, page 20, exercises 1 and 2
1 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. One word is not needed. The first one is done for you.
philosopher arithmetic polymath chemist |
1.My father teaches Maths. He's a.......................................
2 .You must not take in medicine without consulting a........................................... .
3 . We learn about shapes, lines, and angles when we study.................................................. .
4. Mr. Shahin is a true................................., working in all kinds of creative and scientific fields.
5 .Ramzi is very good with numbers and calculations. He always scores high in ................................. .
6 . A someone who thinks and writes about the meaning of life.
Answers :
1 mathematician 2 physician 3 geometry 4 polymath 5 arithmetic 6 philosopher
2 Match the words with the correct definitions. One definition is not needed. The first one is done for you.
1 .talent.....(g).... 2.founder............. 6. Laboratory ......
a .an expert in many subjects b. a room for scientific experiments c. the person who starts something new, such as an organisation or a city d. an instrument to measure weight e. an engineer f. the study of numbers g. special ability |
1. g 2. c 3.d 4. a 5. f 6. b