مدرسة جواكاديمي

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Unit 5 lesson 1:Elementary, my dear Watson!

اللغة الإنجليزية - الصف السابع

Unit 5

Elementary, my dear Waston!

Lesson 1

SB pages 54+55

*Before reading

We have two pictures. Have a look. Do you know them? Name them if you knew.

a.                                          b.                                             c.

The answer: a.  Sherlock Holmes                        b.James Mortimer                                 c. Dr. John Waston

Now look at this picture . Talk about who the two men in the picture are and what they are doing.?

Suggested answers:

They are Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson. They are examining an object, analysing it and drawing conclusions.

The key words :

The word /phrase The meaning The part of speech
owner A person who owns something Noun
patient A person receiving or registered to recieve medical treatment Noun
conclusion The end or finish of an event or process Noun
method A particular form of procedure for accomplishing or approaching something. Noun
intrested Showing curiosity or concern about something  Adjective
absent-minded not fucus Adjective
elementary Relating to the basic elements of a sublect. Adjective

*While reading:

Sherlock Holmes sat at the breakfast table and gave me a walking stick. Th ere was something written on it: “To Mr James Mortimer, from his friends – 1884.” ‘Well, Watson, what can you tell me about the owner of the stick?’ asked Holmes. ‘I think that Mr Mortimer is an old country doctor. His patients like him, so they gave him this walking stick.’ ‘Good!’ said Holmes. ‘Why do you think he’s a country doctor?’

‘Because this stick is very scratched. A city doctor does not carry such an old stick.’ Holmes took the stick from my hands and looked at it. ‘Interesting! I think the man is a country doctor, but he is not old. He’s a young, pleasant and absent-minded doctor.’ ‘How did you know that?’ ‘Elementary, my dear Watson. Only pleasant people get presents, and only absent-minded men forget their sticks.

*After reading:

1. Why do you think Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson are such famous characters?

Suggested answer:

Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson are famous because they were the main characters who solved mysteries in Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s very popular books..


Page 55 /exercise 3:

How did Sherlock Holmes fi nd out who the owner of the stick was? In a group, use the same method to identify the owner of an object.

The answer:

1. He observed the details:

- the scratches on the stick

- the writing on it

- the fact that it was lost

2. He explained the details:

- The owner must live in the countryside because the stick is very scratched.

- He must be friendly for people to offer him presents.

- He must be absent-minded because he forgot his walking stick.

3. He reached a conclusion: The owner is a young, pleasant and absent-minded country doctor.


Page 55 /exercise 4:

Do you want to be a detective? What makes a good detective? In a group, make a list of the characteristics of a good detective. Use the words from exercise 2 to guide you.

Suggested answers:

patience, intelligence, a logical mind, a good sense of observation