اللغة الإنجليزية فصل أول

الحادي عشر خطة جديدة


Words related to the sense of smell

mouth-watering (adj)

describes the smell of something delicious cooking

فاتح للشهية (مسيل للعاب)

Subtle (adj)

describes a mild smell which may be difficult to detect

دقيق / خفيف يصعب ادراكه


describes a smell which is too strong




Smelly (adj)

describes a bad/unpleasant smell

كريه الرائحة


Stink (v)

smell horrible’

نتانة (رائحة كريهة مقززة)


Stench (n)

describes a horrible smell


ينتن (يبعث رائحة كريهة)


Aroma (n)

describes a pleasant smell of food

رائحة عطرة (رائحة الطعام الشهية/ الزكية)


Scent (n)

describes a pleasant smell of flowers

رائحة (اريج الازهار)

We could smell the subtle (scent / aroma / stink) of roses as we entered the room.

نستطيع استخدام aroma لرائحة الزهور 

1. a perfume/aftershave that you find overpowering
2. a flower with a subtle scent.
3. food that has a mouth-watering aroma when it’s cooking.
4. something that stinks when it goes off. 

Use the table above to say which is

1. an adjective describes the smell of something delicious cooking ...mouth-watering... 
2. an adjective describes a mild smell which may be difficult to detect ....Subtle...
3. an adjective describes a smell which is too strong ...overpowering... 
4. an adjective describes a bad / unpleasant smell ...smelly...
5. a noun describes a pleasant smell of food /delicious-tasting food ...aroma...
6. a noun describes a pleasant smell of flowers ...Scent ...
7. a noun describes a horrible smell ...Stench...
8. a verb means ‘smell horrible’...stink...

Choose the correct words to complete the description.

With 20 minutes to kill, I chose a pleasant-looking cafe near the river. The stink / aroma of fresh coffee hit me as soon as1 opened the door. I ordered a cup and sat down by the window. The seat was comfortable and whatever they were preparing in the kitchen smelled mouth-watering / overpowering. ‘Croissants’ apparently, 'and fresh ones, not frozen' said the owner with considerable pride. ordered two with honey and butter. The honey was delicious; 'local', apparently, and very smooth / spiky with a subtle / smelly hint of lavender. The delicate stench / scent of the flower garden at the rear of the cafe came in through the window and added to the pleasant sense of relaxation.


Complete the text with the correct words.

I have a keen sense of aroma / smell and I could tell something was burning in the restaurant’s kitchen. Added to that, my friend and I were seated at a table near to the rubbish bins. The stench / scent when someone opened the bins was so subtle / overpowering that we felt sick. Then, my friend told me the colour scheme wasn’t very attractive. I am short-sighted / colour-blind, so I couldn’t tell / see. My friend said the colour was putting her off / away from any food. I don’t like strong, savoury / spicy food, so I ordered a mild curry. It looked tasty / sweet enough, but the reality was disappearing. It was bland / mouth-watering and had very little taste.




• Many words for sounds, e.g. crunch, crash, pop. buzz, are both verbs and nouns/gerunds.

- I can hear the hum/humming of a machine. - The fans were humming softly.




buzz / buzzing

bee buzzing

طنين النحل

Chirp / chirping

bird chirping

زقزقة الطيور

Pop / popping

balloon popping

فرقعة البالون

Crunch /crunching

crunching of snow

صوت تكسير / سحق الثلج

hum / humming

machine humming

أزيز الآلة

Screech /screeching

parrot screeching

صراخ الببغاء

roar / roaring

roar of an engine

هدير / دوي المحرك

Rustle / Rustling

Rustling of paper

حفيف / خشخشة الورق

Sizzle / sizzling

meat sizzling

أزيز / طشيش اللحم (صوت حرقه)

thud / thudding

The thud of something falling

صوت ارتطام مكتوم (جلجلة شيء يسقط)



رقيق أو هش



Spiky, prickly







طري ومطاطي / اسفنجي


ناعم / أملس



Words related to the sense of touch

Match the words in the box with the pictures.

Match the words in the box with the pictures1

Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1. Don’t touch that cactus. It’s super prickly / silky / squishy 
2. The child's hands are very sticky / coarse / spiky because she has been sticking things with glue
3. We could smell the subtle scent / aroma / stink of roses as we entered the room
4. The Maths exam was really smooth / tough / bland but I managed to get a good grade
5. There was no noise except for the humming / buzzing / rustling of papers as students began the test
6. A fruit or vegetable with coarse / rustling / aroma skin.

An animal that’s fluffy / scent / humming when it’s young