Unit 5
Lesson 4 and 5
sb 59+60
The lost bag
*Before reading
Look at this picture. In your opinion , who are they?
The answer: Sheikh and the merchant
The key words:
The word/ phrase | The meaning | The part of speech |
servant | A person who performs duties for other. | Noun |
merchant | A person or company involed in wholesale trade | Noun |
loss | The fact or process of losiing something or someone. | Noun |
wondered | To ask yourself questions or express a wish to know about something. | Verb |
pull | Exert force on (someone or something) | Verb |
*While reading:
The Lost Bag A long time ago, there lived a rich merchant. He was always dressed nicely and he carried many fi ne jewels with him. He travelled from one city to another. A band of camels and servants often travelled behind him in a long line. His business was buying and selling goods. He was very good and kind to poor people. Once, the merchant was travelling with a lot of money. As he was on his way back home, his money bag fell to the ground. But he did not notice it. He only discovered the loss of his money when he reached home. Th e merchant did not worry about the lost bag. He still had enough money for himself and for helping others. Then, there came a time when business was not so good. He became an old man with very little money. Th e poor merchant sold everything he had and, soon, he did not have any money at all. Very often, he and his wife had nothing to eat. And then, one cold night ... Wife: We have no more food. Let us walk to the next village where no one knows us. Someone will help poor people like us. And so they walked in the cold night air. They wandered for a long time until they reached the fi rst house in the next village. Th e wife was too tired to walk any more. She fell down on the steps and began to cry. The Sheikh who lived in the house heard her and opened the door. Sheikh: Who are you? What are you doing here at this time of night? The merchant and his wife told him their sad story. The Sheikh asked them to come in. Sheikh: What colour was your bag? Merchant: It was a round, black bag with a string around it. Inside were some jewels and a thousand dinars. Sheikh: It is late and you must be very tired. Eat some hot food and rest with us for the night. Tomorrow you will feel better. The next morning, they all sat around the table for breakfast. The Sheikh pulled an old, black bag from a box. Sheikh: Now, I have a story to tell you. A long time ago, I found this bag on the road near my house. I hid it away safely. I knew that some day I could return it to its real owner. Now I am sure you are the person. Is this the bag you lost? Merchant: Yes, is it! It’s the bag that I lost. I cannot tell you how thankful I am ... I will always remember how kind you were to me. |
SB page 61 /exercise 4:
4 Read the story on page 60 and answer these questions.
a. How did the merchant become poor?
b. How did the Sheikh know that the merchant was the real owner of the bag?
c. Why didn’t the Sheikh spend the money he found?
d. What would you do with the money you gained back from the Sheikh if you were the merchant?
The answer:
a. The merchant became poor because business was bad and he had to sell everything he owned.
b. The merchant described the bag correctly (it was a round, black bag with a string around it with jewels and a thousand dinars inside).
c. The Sheikh knew that some day he could return the bag to its real owner.
d. Students’ own answers