1. Complete the fragments from Hala’s diary with the family words below.
أكمل أجزاء من مذكرات هالة مع كلمات العائلة أدنا ه
brother/sister-in-law only child second cousin siblings twin widow/widower |
My mother died when I was young, so my father is a 1.widower. My brother has just got married. His wife, my new 2. sister-in low is called Hala like me! It's a shame my grandfather missed the wedding. He died last year so my grandmother is a 3. window Abeer has got an identical 4. twin sister called Nour. The twins are my cousin Lubna’s daughters, so my son Hussein is their 5 .second cousin I only have one son, so Hussein is an 6 only child and does not have 7 siblings. |
A. My friend Faisal is an only child.
B. My grandmother has a twin sister.
2. Find the personality adjectives from the box in the descriptions. In pairs, decide if they are positive, negative or neutral.
اعثر على الصفات الشخصية من المربع في الأوصاف. في أزواج، حدد ما إذا كانت إيجابية أو سلبية أو محايدة.
bossy generous gentle helpful kind nervous selfish shy strict sweet vain |
1. My uncle Imad isn’t very generous. He buys himself lots of things but he never remembers my birthday. I think he’s a bit selfish. 2. My second cousin Lubna is kind and helpful but she’s really nervous. She talks to herself when she’s doing something difficult. 3. My oldest cousin Hani is a bit bossy – he’s always telling me what to do. He’s strict, too – he never lets me do anything I want to do. And he’s really vain – he looks at himself in the mirror when he’s driving! 4. My youngest sibling Asma loves to be by herself. She’s gentle and shy but I like her. She’s sweet. |
1. generous (positive), selfish (negative)
2. Kind, helpful (positive), nervous (negative)
3. bossy, vain (negative), strict (neutral)
4. gentle, sweet (positive), shy (natural)
3. In pairs, take turns to choose positive or neutral personality adjectives to describe your partner. Say if you agree or not.
في ازواج، تناوبوا على اختيار صفات شخصية ايجابية او محايدة لوصف رفيقكم. قل إن كنت توافقني أم لا
A. You’re helpful and kind.
B. Thanks a lot! You’re a bit shy.
A. No, I don’t agree. I’m nervous but I’m not shy
student answers
4. Study Watch Out! and find four sentences with reflexive pronouns in the descriptions.
ادرسوا احترسوا! وإيجاد أربع جمل ذات ضمائر انعكاسية في الأوصاف
WATCH OUT! Reflexive pronouns احذر! الضمائر المنعكسة I – myself we – ourselves you – yourself you – yourselves he – himself they – themselves she – herself it – itself |
5. Complete the questions with reflexive pronouns.
أكمل الأسئلة بالضمائر الانعكاسية
1. Do you prefer to do your homework by yourself or with a friend?
2. Does your dad ever talk to himself? Where? When?
3. Can your mum install apps by herself or does she need your help?
4. How often do your friends look at themself in the mirror? What about you?
5. When I’m unhappy, I buy myself something nice. Do you?
6. What can we do by ourselves to improve our English?
7. Does your phone ever switch itself off?
6 In pairs, ask and answer the questions from Exercise 5.
في مجموعات ثنائية، اطرح وأجب عن الأسئلة من التمرين 5
student own answers
Workbook page 6
1 ★ Complete the descriptions with the words from the box.
أكمل الأوصاف بالكلمات الموجودة في الصندوق .
brother-in-law only child second cousin sibling twins widow widower |
1 Faisal is seventy-five. His wife, Abeer, died last year. He’s a widower.
2 Husam married my sister last year. I really like him. He’s my brother in low
3 Aisha is eighty-five. Her husband, Abbas, died last year. She’s a window
4 Amal has no brothers or sisters. She is a/an only child
5 Fadia is my cousin. She has just had a baby, Jaber. He is my second cousin
6 Abeer is 14. Her brother is 11 and her sister is 9. She’s the oldest sibling
7 Hani and Maher are brothers. They were born on the same day, but Adel is half an hour older than Maher. They’re twins.
2 ★★ Complete the sentences with one personality adjective in each gap.
أكمل الجمل بصفة شخصية واحدة في كل فجوة .
1. Alia is very generous – she often buys me presents.
2. Don’t be rude– say ‘hello’ and ‘thank you’.
3. My cousin is always very gentle with his baby brother because he doesn’t want to hurt him.
4. Why are you always so selfish ? You only ever think about yourself!
5. My grandfather is very kind – he always helps everyone in the neighbourhood.
6. I find it difficult to relax. I'm nervous and I panic easily.
7. Alia is so shy that she finds it difficult to talk to people or to make new friends.
8. My Physics teacher is very strict and nobody is allowed to talk in class.
9. Hamzah is so vain that he always stops to look at himself in every shop window he passes!
10. Our new neighbours were really helpful when we moved in – they even carried some boxes for us.
3 ★★ Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
اختر الكلمات الصحيحة لإكمال الجمل .
1 The car can't clean it / itself. Look at it / itself – it’s so dirty!
2 Don’t worry about me / myself – I can carry these bags by me / myself.
3 Do you want me to go with you / yourself or will you talk to the director by you / yourself?
4 My parents haven’t got time to cook and clean the house them / themselves, so I always help them / themselves when I haven’t got much homework.
5 That’s Amina. She loves taking photos of her / herself and posting them online. She’s very popular. Everyone in her class likes her / herself.
6 Our grandmother made this cake for us / ourselves. Now we want to make a cake us / ourselves.
4 ★★ Complete the sentences with reflexive pronouns.
أكمل الجمل بالضمائر الانعكاسية.
1 Our dad is working late today, so we’re making dinner by ourselves.
2 The computer will switch itself off after about ten minutes.
3 That funny noise is my brother singing to yourselves in the shower!
4 There are three of you. You can tidy the house by myself
5 I don’t like being in the house at night by myself
6 Habib bought himself a new suit for the wedding.
7 This is a great game. You can see that the children are enjoying themselves!
8 My grandmother lives by herself, but she’s got lots of friends so she isn’t lonely.