1 In pairs, ask and answer the questions.
1 Where do you go clothes shopping?
2 Do you often go clothes shopping with your parents? Do you enjoy it?
Students’ own answers
2 Listen to Part 1 of the conversation and answer the questions.
1 How is the boy feeling?
He doesn’t want to go shopping.
2 What do you think the boy’s opinion is about the shoes his mother is showing to him?
He doesn’t like them.
4 Study the Speaking box. Then listen to the whole conversation again and tick the expressions you hear.
♦ SPEAKING | Opinions Asking for opinions ✓ What do you think? Giving opinions ✓ I think/believe … □ It seems to me … Agreeing ✓ Absolutely. Partly agreeing ✓ You’ve got a point but … Disagreeing □ I know what you mean but … |
5 Complete the conversation with one word in each gap. Listen and check.
Abeer Wow, Nadia! I think you look fabulous.
Dana Yeah, me too! What an amazing dress, Nadia.
Nadia Thanks, guys! It’s second-hand. I bought it from a charity shop for five pounds.
Abeer Really? Doesn’t it feel strange to wear somebody else’s old clothes?
Nadia No, I don’t think so. What do you mean?
Abeer Well. Perhaps somebody died in it? I don’t think I could wear second-hand clothes. What do you think, Dana?
Dana No, I don’t agree. I sometimes wear my mum’s old things. If you ask me, it’s nice you can give some old clothes a ‘second life’.
Nadia I totally agree. And in my opinion, the quality is much better than new clothes. No horrible synthetic materials …
Dana I couldn’t agree more!
6 In groups of three, practise the dialogue in Exercise 5.
7 In pairs, look at the statements below. Take turns to give your opinion and ask your partner if he/she agrees or disagrees.
1 It’s important to look smart at all times.
2 Designer labels are a waste of money.
3 One shirt/jacket/sweater is enough.
Personally, I think it’s important to look smart at all times. What’s your opinion?
Students’ own answers
1 Listen and repeat the phrases. How do you say them in your language?
Students’ own answers
SPEAKING | Opinions ASKING FOR OPINIONS What do you think? AGREEING PARTLY AGREEING You’ve got a point but I couldn't wear second-hand clothes. DISAGREEING I know what you mean but I don't think I could wear a hat like that. |
2 Complete the conversation with the words and phrases from the box.
be honest do you think got a point If you ask my opinion no not sure personally seems to suppose |
Manal Hi, Asma. I’m looking for a present for Hala. What 1do you think of these bracelets?
Asma To 2 be honest , I think they’re too big. She prefers thinner ones.
Manal Yes, I 3 suppose so. Any other ideas? How about earrings?
Asma I’m 4 not sure about that – I don’t think she’s got pierced ears. 5 If you ask me, I don’t think jewellery is a good idea. 6 Personally , I think a book is a better choice. She loves reading.
Manal Yes, you’ve 7 got a point , but I don’t know what books she’s got already.
Asma In 8 my opinion , a classic is best. Something by Dickens or Jane Austen.
Manal 9 No way! She reads adventure stories and science fiction, not eighteenth and nineteenth century literature!
Asma Well, it 10 seems to me that we should go to the bookshop and see what they’ve got.
Manal You’re right. Let’s do that
3 Rewrite the sentences using the phrases from the Speaking box.
1 This looks good. What do you think? This looks good. What’s your opinion/view?
2 I totally agree with you! I couldn’t agree (with you) more!
3 I suppose so, but I think the white dress looks better. I know what you mean, but I think the white dress looks better.
4 If you ask me, I think the colour is too dark. To To be honest, I think the colour is too dark.
5 I suppose you’re right, but it could be the wrong size. You’ve got a point, but it could be the wrong size.