اللغة الإنجليزية فصل ثاني



1 Look at the photo on page 7. In pairs, ask and answer the questions.

1 The boy has an important exam coming up but he’s not studying. What is he doing?

 2 Do you ever waste time instead of studying? What kind of things do you do?

Students’ own answers


2 Look at the title and read the text quickly. Don’t worry about the meaning of the underlined words. What is a procrastinator? In pairs, agree on a definition.

A procrastinator is someone who keeps delaying things that need to be done.


3 Study Active Reading and add the underlined words from the text to the lists below.

Nouns: clutter, landing, Jordan

Verbs: yells, ignore

Adjectives: dreadful, sensible

ACTIVE READING| The meaning of new words

When you find new words in a text:

• don’t panic – often you don’t need them to understand the main ideas of the text.

• decide what part of speech they are: a noun, a verb, an adjective, etc.

• read before and after the word and guess the meaning from the context.

Sometimes new words can be similar to words in your own language. That can help you understand them, but watch out for ‘false friends’.


4 Read before and after the underlined words in the text and use the context to work out their meaning.

glance: look quickly, peckish: a bit hungry,

 squash: a soft drink,

clutter: mess,

yells: shouts, landing: an area of floor at the top of a flight of stairs,

 Jordan: The team of Jordan, ignore: pay no attention to,

dreadful: awful, sensible: reasonable; using good judgement


5 Read the phrasal verbs below. Use Active Reading to help you work out their meanings. Then choose the correct verbs to complete the sentences below.

be about to    carry on    check out    clear up    find out    get on    give up    go back    look for put off


1 When something is difficult, I give up / go back immediately. give up    

2 I don’t stop working when I’m tired. I carry on / look for until I finish what I’m doing. carry on    

3 It’s better not to be about to / put off things until tomorrow if you can do them today. put off     

4 If something is untidy, I prefer to clear it up / find it out immediately. clear it up     

5 When I’m not sure about something, I go on the Internet to check it out / get on with it. check it out

6 In pairs, say if the sentences in Exercise 5 are true for you. I don’t really agree with number 1. I don’t give up easily.

Students’ own answers


7 SPEAKING In groups, look at these tips to help procrastinators and grade them from the most to the least useful. Can you add any more tips?

1 Make a plan.

2 Study with a friend.

3 Visit a psychologist.

4 Get up an hour earlier.

5 Change the place where you work.

6 Switch off your Internet connection.

7 Break up your work into smaller units.

8 Wait until the last minute and then work all night.

Students’ own answer