اللغة الإنجليزية فصل أول

الحادي عشر خطة جديدة



► Future forms for predictions

future simple

Time expressions    الكلمات الدالة على زمن المستقبل البسيط

This week/month... / Tomorrow morning, afternoon, …. / Next week /month........ /At the weekend / In January / February.../ In a few minutes, hours, .... / On Thursday, .... / Look out! / Watch out! / Be careful! ..............

⇒ We use the Future Simple with (will) to talk about: 

A. make predictions based on our opinions or expectations. (Predictions without having evidence). We often use will with phrases like I think, I  sure, I expect, I believe, I hope, I promise, or adverbs like possibly, probably.


  1. He'll probably be late, as usual.
  1. Lots of people will have robots at home in the future.
  1. Everyone will have tiny computers.
  1. I'm sure you won’t have any problems with it.
  1. Everyone will live in skyscrapers.
  1. Will you come with us tomorrow?
  1. I expect he will visit us tomorrow.
  1. We will find life on other planets.
  1. I think he will be a doctor.
  1. They’ll definitely beat us in the final match.
  1. People will live to be 150 years old.
  1. I'm sure you won’t have any problems with it.

B. to express a decision made at the time/moment of speaking. (Sudden decision)

1. He’s out, I'll ring again later.
2. Oops, I forgot to phone Mum! I’ll do it after dinner.
3. It’s raining outside. I will get an umbrella.
4. There’s no milk. I'll buy some when I go to the shops.
5. I’ll call you later to discuss our plans for the weekend.

⇒ We use the Future Simple with (be going to ) to talk about:

A. talk about existing plans or intentions in the future. 

1. I’m going to study Architecture at college.    
2. Nancy is going to buy a GPS at the weekend.
3. I'm going to look for a new place to live next month.
4. She is going to be a professional actress when she grows up


B. make predictions based on the evidence you have now. 

1. You are going to be busy at the weekend! (I know all things my friend has to do at the weekend). 
2. This program looks good. I’m going to watch it
3. I see the dark snow clouds. It is going to snow again soon.
4. Look out! He is going to break the glass.
5. Watch out! You’re going to fall
6. I think it is going to rain - I just felt a drop.

Important example 

1. Hassan: I don’t think he will come tonight. → (it's a prediction) = Hassan thinks it will happen.
   Hamzeh: But he says he is going to come. → (Intention / plan) = the decision was made before speaking

المستقبل المستمر

Time expressions    الكلمات الدالة على زمن المستقبل المستمر

This time / At this time next (week, month, summer...) / tomorrow (morning, evening.../ at 5 o’clock, 11 o’clock / all day tomorrow / for the next couple of (days, weeks....../ as usual / in the mornings, afternoons, evenings ..........

⇒ We use the Future continuous to talk about:

A. talk about an action that will be in progress at a particular time in the future.

1. By the end of the century, more people will be living in the country than in cities.
2. Will you be working on it at 5:30?
3. Tomorrow evening, they’ll be attending a meeting.
4. This time next week, we’ll be shopping for your new TV.
5. She’ll be working on the project all day tomorrow.
6. At this time next week, I'll be travelling to Paris

B. to talk about events that will happen as part of the normal course of events, or routine.

1. She'll be visiting her family at the weekend. (She does it every weekend.)
2. For the next couple of months, I'll be working in the evenings.
3. The company chairperson will be arriving on Thursday.
4. She'll be taking her dog for a walk.
5. We'll be spending the holiday in London as usual.

المستقبل التام

NOTE: As with other continuous forms, we do not use state verbs (be, believe, forget, like, want, own, understand, have, etc.) with the Future Continuous.

Time expressions    الكلمات الدالة على زمن المستقبل التام

By the end of this ......time....../by ...future time....... / by next... time... 
/By the time .... v1 /v-s/es.......OR... future time.......... / by then, 10 o’clock, 6 o'clock ... / In+ number+ years’ time / within.........from now / (will be + Ving) because ...perfect...

⇒ We use the Future perfect to talk about: 

to talk about an action that will be completed before a particular time in the future.
للتحدث عن فعل سيتم الانتهاء منه قبل وقت معين في المستقبل.

1. In 100 years’ time, half the world’s languages will have disappeared.
2. Will you have finished it by then?
3. By the time Joury turns 30, she’ll have finished her doctorate degree.
4. We’ll have arrived in Amman by this time tomorrow.

المستقبل التام المستمر


Time expressions    الكلمات الدالة على زمن المستقبل التام المستمر

نفس الكلمات الدالة على المستقبل التام الا انها تختلف في تركيزنا على الحدث الذي لا يزال مستمرًا في مرحلة ما من المستقبل، مثل

By .... future time....... + for......duration......... By then........ + for ... duration.......... 
In ten years, two months... + for +duration / By the time + v1 /v-s/es ......+ for duration

⇒ We use the Future Perfect continuous to talk about: 

we use it to focus on a duration of an action which is still ongoing at some point in the future.

نستخدمه للتركيز على مدة حدث ما، لا يزال مستمرًا في نقطة معينة في المستقبل.

1. I will have been living in Berlin for three years in July.
2. By next year, I’ll have been teaching for 26 years.
3. By 3:00, they will have been studying for 6 hours.
4. By the end of the summer, I will have been saving money for five months.
5. By the time he retires, he will have been working for 30 years.


لاحظ التشابه الكبير بين المستقبل التام والتام المستمر، الا ان المستقبل المستمر لا يأتي مع أفعال الثبات.

NOTE: As with other continuous forms, we do not use state verbs (be, believe, forget, like, want, own, understand, have, etc.) with the Continuous tenses.

Eg. We will have been married for 20 years by next month. (be) »فعل ثابت لا يأتي مع الازمنة المستمرة

NOTE: Future Continuous, the Future Perfect and the Future Perfect Continuous are often used with by (2050, next year, then, the time, etc.) and in (ten years, two months).

• Other modal verbs can be used instead of (will) with Future Continuous and (We use (might, may, could) to discuss an uncertain future intention.)

Future Perfect forms to show different degrees of certainty (might, may, could).

• For hopes and ambitions, "hope" is often followed by a future form:

Hope + will/going to