اللغة الإنجليزية11 فصل ثاني

الحادي عشر خطة جديدة


Situation                                                   Expression or term

Explaining what to do               

  1. It's advisable to ...

2. The first thing you do is ...                      

3. When/once you've done that, ...

4. What you do is ...

5. All you have to do is

6. The key/main thing to remember is

7. It's vital/essential that you ...                   

Explaining what not to do                    

1. Make sure you don't ...                                

2. Try to avoid (+ -ing)                                    

3. I'd advise you not to ...                          

4. There's no need to                                  

5. Whatever you do, don't                          


Finishing the instructions 

And that’s it