1- SPEAKING: In pairs, discuss the question. What do you think would happen if we could talk to animals? في أزواج، ناقش السؤال. Suggested answers: If we could talk to animals, we could understand them , learn all about their world and help them. إذا تمكنا من التحدث إلى الحيوانات، يمكننا أن نفهمها، ونتعلم كل شيء عن عالمها ونساعدها. |
2- CRITICAL THINKING: Read the article and study Active Reading. What opinions about communication does the author express? How far do you agree with him?
اقرأ المقال وادرس القراءة النشطة. ما هي الآراء حول التواصل التي يعبر عنها المؤلف؟ إلى أي مدى تتفق معه؟
Suggested answers:
She proved that communication with and between animals is not limited. Moreover, there is a strong possibility that animals can understand what is wanted. In addition, Animals have many ways of communication between each other.
لقد أثبتت أن التواصل مع الحيوانات وفيما بينها ليس محدودًا. علاوة على ذلك، هناك احتمال قوي أن تتمكن الحيوانات من فهم ما هو مطلوب. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، لدى الحيوانات طرق عديدة للتواصل فيما بينها.
3- Read the article again and choose the correct answers.
1 According to the author, how did Jane get the chimpanzees to trust her?
a. She talked to them.
b. She was relaxed with them.
c. They did not know she was there.
2 What were the two most important discoveries that Jane made?
a. The chimpanzees could talk and make tools.
b.The chimpanzees had fights and disciplined their children.
c. The chimpanzees could use tools and communicate using sign language.
3 What does the author believe might happen if humans could talk to animals?
a. We would change our minds about how animals communicate.
b. We might learn to communicate like whales and elephants.
c. They might teach us important lessons.
4- Match the highlighted phrasal verbs from the article with their definitions below.
1. to receive sounds, phone signals, etc. pick up
2. to cause something to happen bring about
3. to tell someone something you think they don’t know point out
4. to see something with difficulty make out
5. to destroy something completely wipe out
6. to successfully communicate a message/ an idea get across
7. to explain something very clearly spell out
8. to meet or find something or someone come across
9. to solve or understand something 10 to understand and remember something you are told figure out
10. to understand and remember something you are told take in
5- Complete the sentences with the phrasal verbs from the article, in the correct form.
1. I was embarrassed when he pointed out that I had made some basic spelling mistakes.
2. It was cloudy, but he could still the make out distant star.
3. I came across an interesting article about space exploration the other day.
4. Technology has brought about many changes in the way we live.
5. My science teacher is very good at getting across difficult ideas so that we always
6. It took me ages to exactly how to figure out use the telescope.
7. You don’t understand? Do I have to spell out what I mean?
8. We couldn’t use our mobile phones in the desert, but started to pick up signals when we went into the mountains.
6 SPEAKING In small groups, ask and answer the question.
استماع اطرحوا السؤال وأجيبوا عنه في مجموعات صغيرة
1. Read the article quickly and look at the photos. Tick the ones which contain the objects mentioned in the text and write their names.
A. The Rosetta Stone, hieroglyphics
B. Rongorongo, the Voynich
C. Manuscript, the Tartarian Tablets
Communicating with the past التواصل مع الماضي
The Rosetta Stone is nothing much to look at. Nevertheless, visitors to the British Museum flow endlessly past the piece of rock, despite being unable to make out what is written on it. If they could, they might be disappointed to discover that it is a kind of tax document. However, as the museum guides explain, the Rosetta Stone is the star of an incredible story about figuring out how to communicate with the past. حجر رشيد ليس هناك ما يستحق النظر إليه. ومع ذلك، فإن زوار المتحف البريطاني يتدفقون بلا انقطاع عبر قطعة الصخر، على الرغم من عدم قدرتهم على فهم ما هو مكتوب عليها. وإذا كان بوسعهم ذلك، فقد يصابون بخيبة أمل عندما يكتشفون أن ذلك يشكل نوعا من الوثيقة الضريبية. ومع ذلك، كما يوضح مرشدو المتحف، فإن حجر رشيد هو نجم قصة مذهلة حول اكتشاف كيفية التواصل مع الماضي. The tale begins over 2000 years ago in Egypt. When Pharaoh Ptolemy V died, his six-year-old son became the ruler. This was the start of years of chaos as rival groups tried to influence him. Eventually, the boy-pharaoh grew up o and, with the assistance of powerful priests, he took control. In 196 BCE, like all the other pharaohs before him, he wished to announce to the world the importance of his role. The Rosetta Stone is one of 18 stones that were put in temples around Egypt; their purpose was both to point this message and to bring into law some very generous tax breaks for priests. The stone is of particular historical importance because the 'memo' it contains is written in three languages: Greek, an Egyptian language called Demotic, and hieroglyphics like those found on tombs تبدأ الحكاية منذ أكثر من 2000 عام في مصر. عندما توفي فرعون بطليموس الخامس حيث حاولت الجماعات المتنافسة التأثير عليه. وفي نهاية المطاف كبر الفرعون الصغير، وبمساعدة كهنة أقوياء، تولى زمام الأمور. وفي عام 196 قبل الميلاد، مثل كل الفراعنة الآخرين الذين سبقوه، أراد أن يعلن للعالم أهمية دوره حجر رشيد هو واحد من 18 حجرًا تم وضعها في المعابد في جميع أنحاء مصر؛ كان هدفهم هو توجيه هذه الرسالة وإصدار بعض الإعفاءات الضريبية السخية للكهنة. ويتمتع الحجر بأهمية تاريخية خاصة لأن "المذكرة" التي يحتوي عليها مكتوبة بثلاث لغات: اليونانية، ولغة مصرية تسمى الديموطيقية والهيروغليفية مثل تلك الموجودة على المقابر.صبح ابنه البالغ من العمر ست سنوات هو الحاكم. وكانت هذه بداية سنوات من الفوضى The Rosetta Stone remained in Egypt for 2000 years. Then in 1801, it was captured by the British Army and taken to London. There, academics tried to figure out what was written on it, but nobody could understand the hieroglyphics. That was, until a researcher named Thomas Young came across a group of symbols that spelled the name 'Ptolemy His work was continued by Jean-François Champollion who finally figured out how to read the mysterious text in 1882. Young and Champollion's work allowed us to work out exactly what is written on all the great objects and monuments of Egypt. بقي حجر رشيد في مصر لمدة 2000 سنة. ثم في عام 1801 ، استولى عليها الجيش البريطاني ونقله إلى لندن. وهناك، حاول الأكاديميون معرفة ما هو مكتوب عليها، لكن لم يتمكن أحد من فهم الحروف الهيروغليفية. كان ذلك حتى عثر باحث يُدعى توماس يونج على مجموعة من الرموز التي كتبت اسم "بطليموس". واستمر عمله على يد جان فرانسوا شامبليون الذي اكتشف أخيرًا كيفية قراءة النص الغامض في عام 1882. وقد سمح لنا عمل يونج وشامبليون بقراءة النص الغامض واكتشاف بالضبط ما هو مكتوب على جميع الأشياء والآثار العظيمة في مصر However, despite the best efforts of linguists and code breakers, a number of unexplained manuscripts and mysterious languages have proved unsolvable. A notable example is Rongorongo, which scholars believe may be a written language from Easter Island. It was found in the 19th century on various wooden objects and is made up of symbols showing animals, humans and plants. There have been many attempts to work out what meaning it conveys. This suggested that it may be related to the cycles of the moon. It is also possible that Rongorongo is not written text at all, but is in fact an early kind of memory aid or even simply decoration. مع ذلك، على الرغم من الجهود الحثيثة التي بذلها اللغويون ومفككو الشفرات، فقد ثبت أن عددًا من المخطوطات غير المبررة واللغات الغامضة غير قابلة للحل. ومن الأمثلة البارزة على ذلك لغة رونجورونجو، والتي يعتقد العلماء أنها قد تكون لغة مكتوبة من جزيرة الفصح. تم العثور عليها في القرن التاسع عشر على أشياء خشبية مختلفة وتتكون من رموز تظهر الحيوانات والبشر والنباتات. كانت هناك محاولات عديدة المعرفة المعنى الذي يحمله. ويشير هذا إلى أنه قد يكون مرتبطا بدورات القمر. من الممكن أيضا أن تكون رونجورونجو ليست نصا مكتوبا على الإطلاق، ولكنها في الواقع شي او نوع من الادوات البدائية تعمل على مساعدة الذاكرة أو حتى مجرد زخرفة. Then there's the beautiful Voynich Manuscript, a book which has been dated to the early 15 century. It is thought to be written in a European language-though not a familiar one-and contains strange pictures of plants and animals. Some researchers have suggested it is a fake and others a guide to medieval medicine, because it remains so mysterious, it has inspired many contemporary films and books. هناك مخطوطة فوينيتش الجميلة، وهو كتاب يعود تاريخه إلى أوائل القرن الخامس عشر. ويُعتقد أنه مكتوب بلغة أوروبية - وإن لم تكن لغة مألوفة - ويحتوي على صور غريبة لنباتات وحيوانات. وقد اقترح بعض الباحثون أنه مزيف والبعض الآخر يمثل طبا في العصور الوسطى، ولأنه لا يزال غامضا للغاية، فقد ألهم العديد من الأفلام والكتب المعاصرة. Finally, according to some estimates, the Tartaria Tablets, which were unearthed in Romania in 1961, are over 7000 years old. This would make the symbols on these small round discs the earliest known form of writing. As with many messages from the past, opinions differ and even the experts can be sure of almost nothing. One day, someone will almost certainly spell out what these strange messages mean, and where a mystery remains, investigation will surely continue. اخيرا، وفقا لبعض التقديرات، يبلغ عمر ألواح التارتاريا، التي تم اكتشافها في رومانيا عام 1961 ، أكثر من 7000 عام. وهذا من شأنه أن يجعل الرموز الموجودة على هذه الأقراص المستديرة الصغيرة أقدم أشكال الكتابة المعروفة. وكما هو الحال مع العديد من الرسائل الواردة من الماضي، تختلف الآراء، وحتى الخبراء لا يمكنهم التأكد من أي شيء تقريبا. في يوم من الأيام، من المؤكد تقريبا أن شخصا ما سيوضح ما تعنيه هذه الرسائل الغريبة، وحيثما يبقى الغموض، سيستمر التحقيق بالتأكيد. |
2. Read the article again and choose the correct answers.
1. How can the author's opinion of the Rosetta Stone best be summarised?
a. it is popularity as a museum exhibit is difficult to explain.
b. it is far more significant than it looks.
c. It is a disappointment for most museum visitors
d. It is a dull administrative document
2. Which is true about the Rosetta Stone?
a. It was made for a child ruler.
b. it was the only one of its kind.
c. Its sole aim was to announce the importance of the pharaoh.
d. it contains a multilingual message.
3. What did Thomas Young manage to do?
a. understand some symbols
b. spell Ptolemy
c. read the Rosetta Stone
d. understand some tax breaks
4. What does the author say about Rongorongo?
a. It may not actually be writing.
b. it is a kind of calendar.
c. It is a kind of decoration
d. it tells stories of the natural world
5. Which object does the author say has become a part of popular culture?
a. the Rosetta Stone
b. the Rongorongo carvings
c. the Voynich Manuscript
d. the Tartaria Tablets Ziout
6. What does the author believe about mysterious texts from the past?
a. There are some texts we will never be able to work out
b. We should only try to understand written languages, not symbols
c. It's impossible for experts to agree about any texts from the past
d. we’ll always try to make sense of them.