اللغة الإنجليزية فصل أول



Module 3

Lesson 6

Communication Workshop

There is a famous place in my town.

*Before we start , tell us about your experience in the Roma Theatre.

Visit The Roman Theatre in Amman

Welcome to the Roman Theatre in Amman, one of the most amazing sights in the city. It was built in the second century CE (Common Era) in what was the Roman city of Philadelphia. The theatre was divided into three parts: important people sat in the part nearest the stage and soldiers sat further away; ordinary people sat far away at the top of the theatre but because the theatre was so well designed they could still see and hear the actors Near the stage you will find the Jordanian Museum of Popular Traditions, and the Amman Folklore Museum where you can see traditional costumes and handicrafts. You can get to the museum on foot from the centre of downtown, the modern part of Amman, or get a taxi from any of the central hotels.

SB page 36 / exercise 1

Speaking and writing

1 Read the brochure. What is special about the way the theatre was built?

Suggested answer

The design of the theatre meant even those people sitting at the top could see and hear the actors.


SB page 36 / exercise 2

2 In a group, make a list of interesting places in your city or in another city in Jordan.

Answers       Students’ own answers


SB page 36 / exercise 3 and 4

3 Make a brochure about one of these places. Write down its main characteristics. Here are some ideas about what to include:

● A map of the place and its surroundings, some photographs

● Opening date or approximate age

● Special characteristics of the building

● How you can get there (underground, bus, taxi, car, on foot)


Lesson 7

Language Development

SB page 37 / exercise 1

1 Mr Faisal is a restaurant owner. Every morning he goes to the market in Amman. Read a small part of his shopping list and write some or a/an in front of each noun


Some: meat, fish, cheese, honey, bread, tea, coffee, sugar

A: tomato, potato

An: apple, egg


SB page 37 / exercise 2

2 Mr Abbas is a trader at the market. Read the conversation between Mr Faisal and Mr Abbas. Complete the gaps in the dialogue underlining the correct word some or any.

Answers 1. any; 2. some; 3. some; 4. some; 5. any; 6. any


SB page 37 / exercise 4

4 Salma and her mother are talking. Complete the gaps in their dialogue with these forms of the verb to be – is (’s), are (’re), isn’t, aren’t

Answers 1. are; 2. are; 3. ’s; 4. ’s; 5. Is; 6. isn’t


SB page 38

Crossword Puzzle

Answers Across                         Down

1. antique                                7. homemade

2. theatre                                  8. market

3. handicraft                             9. traffic

4. museum                               10. outdoor

5. traditional

6. treasure


Lesson 8


3 Design your ideal town

Before you start Think about your ideal town. What would you like to have: a park, a museum, a theatre, a school, a train station, a bank? Is there a river, a bridge, a mosque? Are there a lot of houses? Where are they?

Your task is ... To draw the plans for your ideal town and to design a brochure about an eco-friendly public transportation system.

B Your second assignment What types of transportation are there in this town? Bus, railway, underground? Discuss which system is best for the environment and what buildings it should link. Decide where to put the underground, bus and railway stations. Give your town a name. Present your town to the class.