1 How many clothes words do you know?
كم عدد كلمات الملابس التي تعرفها؟
Who’s wearing a brown hat? Tom’s wearing a brown hat.
How many shoes can you see?
thirteen shoes What colour is Sami’s hat? It’s black.
Vocabulary and Grammar
4- Listen and chant. استمع وهتّف
They’re wearing |
You’re wearing a dress, a hat and sandals. You’re ready to play. You look cool. ![]() |
We’re wearing jeans, shirts and trainers. We’re ready to play. We look cool. ![]() |
إنهم يرتدون البيجامات والجوارب والأوشحة، وقبعا هذا ليس أمرًا رائعًا! |
أنت ترتدي فستانًا وقبعة وصندلًا. أنت مستعد للعب. أنت تبدو رائعًا. |
نحن نرتدي الجينز نحن مستعدون للعب. نبدو رائعين. |
They're: This is a contraction of → "they are."
We're: This is a contraction of → "we are."
You're: This is a contraction of → "you are."
Example sentences:
• They're playing soccer in the park.
• We're eating pizza for dinner.
• You're reading a book.
Example sentences:
• I am playing video games.
• She is watching TV.
• We are eating ice cream.
5 Think of you and your friends. Then say