اللغة الإنجليزية فصل أول



lets dress up

1 How many clothes words do you know?

كم عدد كلمات الملابس التي تعرفها؟

Let’s dress up

Who’s wearing a brown hat? Tom’s wearing a brown hat.

How many shoes can you see? 

thirteen shoes What colour is Sami’s hat? It’s black.

Vocabulary and Grammar

Vocabulary and grammar

hat shirt jeans dress


glasses    keys   handbag   backpack   phone   computer


dress , sandals , socks , hat , scarf jeans pyjamas trainers baseball cap shirt

4- Listen and chant. استمع وهتّف

They’re wearing
socks and scarves. 
Red baseball caps, too. 
That’s not cool!


They’re wearing pyjamas

You’re wearing a dress, 
a hat and sandals.
 You’re ready to play. 
You look cool.
You’re wearing a dress
We’re wearing jeans,
 shirts and trainers.
 We’re ready to play.
 We look cool.
We’re wearing jeans

إنهم يرتدون البيجامات والجوارب والأوشحة، وقبعا
البيسبول الحمراء أيضًا.

هذا ليس أمرًا رائعًا!

أنت ترتدي فستانًا وقبعة وصندلًا.

أنت مستعد للعب.

أنت تبدو رائعًا.

نحن نرتدي الجينز
والقمصان والأحذية الرياضية.

نحن مستعدون للعب.

نبدو رائعين.



they are

They're: This is a contraction of  → "they are."

We're: This is a contraction of  →  "we are."

You're: This is a contraction of  →  "you are."


Example sentences:

They're playing soccer in the park.
We're eating pizza for dinner.
You're reading a book.

Present Continuous Tense

Example sentences:

• I am playing video games.
• She is watching TV.
• We are eating ice cream.

5 Think of you and your friends. Then say

your friends