اللغة الإنجليزية فصل أول

الحادي عشر خطة جديدة



Distinguish between fact and opinion


is a statement that can be verified. It can be proven to be true or false through objective evidence.


is a statement that expresses a feeling, an attitude, a value judgment, or a belief. It is a statement that is neither true nor false. Or it may feel true for some, but false for others.



- can be proven true or false through objective evidence.

- relies on denotative language.

 - frequently uses measurable or verifiable numbers, statistics, dates, and measurements.

- cannot be presently verified. - relies on connotative language.

- can mean different things to different people.

- uses value judgment words and comparisons such as “best,” “most,” etc…

  • Some words and phrases related to expressing opinions: (In my opinion, I believe that, and it seems to me, from my perspective, I think, and in my view, I feel that. To my mind, personally, I believe.)


Distinguish between main ideas and supporting details

Main Idea Supporting Details






Have a really hard time

To experience difficulty or struggle with something.

In the long run

Considering the future or the overall outcome over time, rather than immediate results.

It isn’t/wasn’t doing me any favours

It isn’t/wasn’t beneficial or helpful to me.

The value of sticking at something

The importance or benefit of persevering or continuing with a task despite challenges.

Things don’t immediately go my way

Outcomes or results don’t happen as I want them to right away; they may take time or effort.

Turn out

To result in a particular way; to have a specific outcome.