اللغة الإنجليزية فصل أول

الحادي عشر خطة جديدة


1 SPEAKING In pairs, look at the cover of a book. Do you know this story? If not, what do you think it is about? 

Students’ own answers

2 Read the summary of Oliver Twist and answer the questions below. 

1 What kinds of people lived in a workhouse?

The poorest people at that time.

2 Why did Oliver decide to walk to London?

He was malnourished and life was cruel a the workhouse, so he wanted to go.

3 Why do you think Fagin and Mr Sikes used children to take things from people?

Suggested answer: People probably did not expect children to take things from them. Also, they were small and quick. Sikes and Fagin could make them take things for them, and give them food and a place to sleep as a reward.

3 Read the text again and choose the correct answers. 

1 Why was Oliver sad to leave the house for orphans? 

a It was where he was born. 
b The orphans helped each other. 
c He had plenty to eat there. 

2 Why do you think Fagin gave Oliver food and a bed to sleep on?

a He wanted to help the poor orphans of London. 
b He wanted Oliver to trust him and then work for him. 
c He was a rich man in a smart, modern house. 

3 Why did Oliver’s brother Monks want Oliver to be a thief? 

a He could get watches and jewellery from him. 
b He was an honest person. 
c He wanted to have all of his mother’s money.

4 Match the highlighted words/phrases in the text with their definitions below. For some of the definitions, there is more than one correct answer. 

1 to have just enough money to buy what you need to make ends meet, a subsistence, hand-to-mouth
2 dealing with things without thinking about the future living day-to-day 
3 didn’t have enough food went hungry
4 sat or stood very close to other people huddled together, gathered together
5 asked for money or food from strangers beg
6 very thin skinny, malnourished 
7 be comfortable in a particular place feel at home, sense of belonging

5 REFLECT | Society How do you think poverty influences someone’s life? Can there be any positive outcomes to being poor?

Students’ own answers