اللغة الإنجليزية فصل أول




Vocabulary 2

phone keys glasses backpack computer



1 Listen and say. Then listen and tick (). What's missing? Handbag.


استمع وقل. ثم استمع وحدد (✔). ما الذي ينقص؟

glasses    keys   handbag   backpack   phone   computer

2 Listen and sing.

استمع وغني

استمع وغني

Possessive Adjectives

What are Possessive Adjectives?

Possessive adjectives tell us who something belongs to. They show ownership

صفات الملكية تخبرنا لمن ينتمي الشيء. أنها تظهر الملكية

 Here are the main possessive adjectives:

My: Belongs to me. 

o Example: This is my book.

Your: Belongs to you. 

o Example: That is your toy car.

His: Belongs to him. 

o Example: This is his bike.

Her: Belongs to her. 

o Example: That is her doll.

Our: Belongs to us. 

o Example: This is our house.

Their: Belongs to them. 

o Example: Those are their shoes.

i you we they he she it


Let's look at some pictures to help us understand:

دعونا نلقي نظرة على بعض الصور لمساعدتنا على الفهم: