اللغة الإنجليزية فصل ثاني



Unit 6

lesson 4 and 5

Have they survived?

Before we start.

Look at these pictures . What do they show?

a.              b.

The answer:  a. Jerash in the past                   b.   Jerash now

*The key words:

The word /phrase The meaning The part of speech
track A rough path or minor road, typically one beaten by use rather than constructed. Noun

Give rise to


a way or course taken in getting from a starting point to a destination.

growth the process of increasing in physical size. Noun
forum a place, meeting, or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged. Noun

SB page 65 / exercise 1:

1 Listen to the words below in context. Try to guess their meaning

forum  / growth / route / perform  / track

The answer:

1. I ran around the track three times today. That’s 1,200 metres!

2. I am going to perform a piece of music to my classmates.

3. Which route should we take to get home? I think the fastest way is along the river.

4. The growth of the city was amazing. Lots of new people have gone to live there.

5. People in ancient Rome met and shopped in the forum because it was in the centre of the city


SB page 65

The answer: forum; track; growth


*While reading:

Ancient Jerash

The ancient city of Jerash is around 50km north of Amman, Jordan. People have lived there for over 5,000 years, and the growth of civilisation can be seen by comparing the ancient and modern parts of the city. In its fi rst 100 years as a Roman city, Jerash became very rich because it was on important trade routes. By this time, Jerash had many great buildings, including a forum, two theatres, two baths and a chariot-racing track.

Modern Jerash

Modern Jerash is much bigger than the ancient city. In the last 100 years, it has grown to include many of the villages that used to be outside it. Today, Jerash is one of the most popular tourist sites. Tourists go to see the ruins of ancient Jerash, but they also go to enjoy the entertainments of modern Jerash. Theatre, music, poetry and dance groups perform at the Jerash Festival every year, and are seen by thousands of visitors. When we cross the bridge between ancient and modern Jerash, we move between different ages.

Growth                                                             Forum

Ancient = very old (the opposite of modern)

Modern = very new (the opposite of ancient)

SB page 66/ exercise 2:

2 Read the articles. What's the difference between ancient and modern Jerash?

Suggested answers

Ancient Jerash was smaller than modern Jerash and consisted of a main city surrounded by smaller villages.

Ancient Jerash had a forum, two theatres, two baths and a chariot-racing track; today these things are in ruins.

Ancient Jerash was mainly visited by traders whereas modern Jerash is more commonly visited by tourists.


SB page 66 / exercise 3:


3 Match these words with their meanings.

1. growth                                 a. to go across

2. trade                                    b.development

3. to perform                          c. commerce

4. to cross                               d. to present something on stage

The answer: 1. b; 2. c; 3. d; 4. a


SB page 66 / exercise 4:

4 Complete the sentences with the words from exercise 3 in their correct form. Some word forms might stay the same

growth / trade /  perform / cross

1. There has been an increase in _______ between the East and the West over the years.

2. A group of international singers will _______ live on stage in Beirut next Friday.

3. In the last 50 years, there has been a remarkable ______ in world population.

4. When he _______ the street, he saw the museum right in front of him

The answer: 1. trade; 2. perform; 3. growth; 4. crossed


SB page 67 / exercise 5:

5 What can you remember? Cover the text and correct these sentences.

1. Jerash was rich in the past because it was a tourist site.

2. People have lived in Jerash for around 600 years.

3. In Jerash, there was only one building and it was used for entertainment.

4. There isn't a lot for tourists to see in Jerash.

5. Jerash Festival happens every four years.

The answer:

1. Jerash was rich in the past because it was on important trade routes.

2. People have lived in Jerash for over 5,000 years.

3. In Jerash, there were many buildings, including a forum, two theatres, two baths and a chariotracing track.

4. There are many ruins for tourists to see in Jerash.

5. Jerash Festival happens every year.



SB page 67 / exercise 6:

6 Listen to an interview with an archaeologist and choose the correct answer. Then, listen again and check your answers.

The answer:

Interviewer: So, tell me, what were you like when you were a child? Have you always been interested in archaeology?

Archaeologist: Yes, I have. I was always very curious about things. I used to fi nd stone tools around where I lived and wanted to know what they were. The fi rst archaeological site I worked at was in Iowa, in the US. I found things that were hundreds of years old, buried deep in the ground.

Interviewer: Where do you work now?

Archaeologist: I teach students at a university. But every summer I take students on a research trip to a site in Armenia.

Interviewer: Has anyone ever found anything really interesting on a trip?

Archaeologist: Yes! A few years ago an archaeologist found the world’s oldest leather shoe at a site called Vayotz Dzor. The shoe was 1,000 years older than the Great Pyramid of Giza. 
