Unit 5
Lesson 4 and 5
SB page 56
Faster, Higher, Stronger
*Before reading:
I want to remind you that the words Faster, Higher, Stronger are comparative form.
Now look at these pictures. What do they show?
a. b.
d. e.
The answer: a.medals b.olympic games c.fencing d.gymnastics e.chariot racing
*The Key words:
1.Medals : A medal disk with an inscription or design, made to commemorate or event. (n)
2.fencing:The sport of fighting with swords . (n)
3:gymnastics: exercises developing or displaying physical agility and coordination.(n)
4: chariot racing: A race with riding horses. (n)
5.athletics: A group of sporting events that involves competitive running, jumping,throwing, and walking.(n)
SB page 53 / exercise 1:
1 Listen to the words below in context. Try to guess their meanings
The answer:
1. Only the best athletes from around the world go to the Olympic Games.
2. There are lots of great runners at my athletics club.
3. When I watch fencing, I imagine what sword fi ghting was like hundreds of years ago.
4. I wouldn’t be good at gymnastics because I cannot stretch my arms and legs.
5. Sally won a silver medal after coming second in the race.
6. Chariot racing looks like fun, but aren’t you afraid of being pulled along in a small vehicle by horses?
SB page 53:
The answer: Olympic Games; medal; athletics
*While reading:
The Olympic Games are a tradition from Ancient Greece. They took place in Athens over 2,700 years ago. The modern Olympic Games began in 1896. Many of the sports we see today were at the original games. The modern Olympic Games happen every four years just as they did in Ancient Greece. In Ancient Greece, winners received a crown of olive leaves to put on their heads. The modern Olympic Games started to give medals – gold, silver and bronze – in 1908. In Ancient Greece, the games lasted Ä ve days. Now they last for about 16 days . Four sports were at the Ä rst modern Olympic Games and are still there now. They are athletics, swimming, fencing and gymnastics. Some sports that were played in the ancient games, like chariot racing, are barely even known nowadays. Some sports, like volleyball and basketball, were not in the Olympic Games until the 1900s. In 2016, there will be two new sports – golf and rugby. Some sports, such as chess and surÄ ng, are not Olympic sports. |
*After reading:
SB page 54/ exercise 2:
2 Read the text about the Olympic Games again and answer the following questions.
1. If you were participating in the Olympic Games and you came second, which medal would you receive –
a silver, bronze or gold medal?
2. What are the similarities between the modern Olympic Games and the ancient Greek games?
3. Do you think chess and surfi ng should be Olympic sports? Why/Why not?
4. What sports would you like to see included in the Olympic Games? Explain your choices.
Note: took place = happened
The answer:
1. A silver medal
2. The Olympic Games and the ancient Greek games had many of the same sports and they both happened every four years.
3. Students’ own answers
4. Students’ own answers
SB page 55/ exercise 3:
3 Match the beginning and end of each sentence.
1. You have to befl exible and train hard a. in fencing.
2. You have to hit a ball over a high net b. in gymnastics.
3. Your horse has to be faster than other competitors’ c. in volleyball.
4. You have to fi ght with a long, thin sword d. in chariot racing
The answer: 1. b; 2. c; 3. d; 4. a
SB page 55 /exercise 4
4 Listen to the following letter about the Dead Sea Ultra Marathon and fi ll in the blanks.
*Lokk at this [icture.What does it show?
The answer: A Marathon
Dead Sea Ultra Marathon 2nd April, 2011 Dear colleagues, I’m collecting money for ________ (1) this month by taking part in the Dead Sea Ultra ________(2) (DSUM). The DSUM started in 1993 to collect money for the Neurological Society, which helps _______(3) who have problems in the nervous system. The Marathon ends at the Dead Sea, the lowest point on Earth.___________ (4) come from different countries and in big numbers to come from different countries and in big numbers to participate in the event. There are many people in Jordan who work hard to make this_______ (5) beneficial for charity. The Marathon takes place every April and I had five courses to choose from – 50km, 42km, 21km, 10km and 4.2km. I want to collect money by running 21km. If you’d like to support me, please make a____________ (6) to the Neurological Society. Thanks for taking the time to read this! Samer Moussa |
The answer: 1. charity; 2. Marathon; 3. people; 4. Runners; 5. event; 6. donation
SB page 55 / exercise 5
5 Now, listen again and check your answers.
Dear colleagues,
I’m collecting money for charity this month by taking part in the Dead Sea Ultra Marathon (DSUM). The DSUM started in 1993 to collect money for the Neurological Society, which helps people who have problems in the nervous system. The Marathon ends at the Dead Sea, the lowest point on Earth. Runners come from different countries and in big numbers to participate in the event. There are many people in Jordan who work hard to make this event beneficial for charity. The Marathon takes place every April and I had fi ve courses to choose from – 50km, 42km, 21km, 10km and 4.2km. I want to collect money by running 21km. If you’d like to support me, please make a donation to the Neurological Society.
Thanks for taking the time to read this!
Samer Mouss
SB page 55 / exercise 6:
6 In a group, read the letter about the Dead Sea Ultra Marathon again. Think of other events you could do to raise money for charity. What kind of event would you choose? Which charities would you like to help? Why?
The answer: Students’ own answers.