اللغة الإنجليزية فصل أول
- Module 2/ lesson 1 : To use pictures to make guesses about people’s lifestyles
- Module 2/ lesson 1: To use the sequence of sentences to identify the main idea while listening to people talk about their culture and lifestyle
- Module 2 / lesson 1: To use context to guess the meaning of new words
- Module 2 / lesson 1: To use dictionaries and glossaries to confi rm and clarify the meaning of words
- Module 2 / lesson 1: To participate in class discussions comparing different lifestyles
- Module 2/ lesson 2 and 3: To use a picture to make guesses for a reading task
- Module2/ lesson 2 and 3: To interpret an article about a documentary maker by answering critical-thinking questions
- Module 2/ lesson 2 and 3: To use context to guess the meaning of new words
- Module 2/ lesson 2 and 3: To use dictionaries and glossaries to confirm and clarify the meaning of words