Module 5
Lesson 3
Student’s Book pages 51–52
Quantity words and expressions
1 Complete the table with the following words. Then, add more nouns to the table.
miser, money, bank note, penny, cheque, gold |
Countable nouns |
Uncountable nouns |
Miser |
Money |
Bank note |
Gold |
Penny |
---------- |
cheque |
---------- |
2 Rewrite these sentences in your notebook using the words from the box.
any, much, a little, a lot, many |
1. The market was very crowded. There were of people in the market.
2. The poor man had no money. The poor man didn’t have money.
3. There were hundreds of delicious cooking smells. There were delicious cooking smells.
4. The poor man was hungry. He wanted a small amount of food. The poor man didn’t want food. He only wanted food.
1. a lot;
2. any;
3. many;
4. much, a little
3 Find five meaningful words in the crossword puzzle. Then say which quantifiers from the box can go with these words. Each word might work with more than one quantifier.
much many some any a few a little a lot of |
1. cheque: many, some, any, a few, a lot of
2. banknote: many, some, any, a few, a lot of
3. food: much, some, any, a little, a lot of
4. chocolate: much, some, any, a little, a lot of
5. money: much, some, any, a little, a lot of
4 Look at the first picture. Describe it using some, any, a lot, a few, a little, many or much.
Suggested answers
In the first picture, there are some chairs at the table.
In the first picture, there aren’t any forks on the table.
In the first picture, there are a lot of books on the bookshelves.
In the first picture, there are a few baskets above the bookcase.
In the first picture, there is a little sugar on the table. In the first picture, there aren’t many cups on the table.
In the first picture, there isn’t much food on the table.
5 Now, make notes on the differences between the two pictures in your notebook.
Suggested answers
In the second picture, there aren’t any baskets above the bookcase.
In the second picture, there are a lot of plates in the cupboard.
In the second picture, there are a few picture frames on the shelves.
In the second picture, there aren’t many cups in the cupboard.
▼ Over to you . . .
6 Complete these questions using How much or How many
1. ... TV programmes a month (watch)?
2. ... chocolate each week (eat)?
3. … to the theatre each year (go)?
4. ... time reading the Holy Qur'an each week (spend)?
5. ... books a year (read)?
6. … fresh juice every day (drink)?
1. How many TV programmes do you watch a month?
2. How much chocolate do you eat each week?
3. How many times do you go to the theatre each month?
4. How much time do you spend reading the Holy Qur’an?
5. How many books a year do you read?
6. How much fresh juice do you drink every day?
7 Now, write your own questions using How much and How many. Use the following words to help you.
carpets curtains films friends TV pocket money DVDs chocolate magazine beds water flower |
How much water do you drink every day? How many carpets are there in your bedroom?
Answers Students’ own answers
8 In pairs, roleplay an interview asking and answering questions about possessions and lifestyle.
Answers Students’ own answers