اللغة الإنجليزية فصل ثاني

المواد المشتركة أول ثانوي



Student’s Book pages 85-86


1 Listen to two news reports about a new way of extracting oil that has been discovered.

1 What kind of process is it? Where is it happening?

2 Place these paraphrases into the correct speaker’s column in the table below.

a The advantage of fracking is that we will be able to have access to fairly abundant local fuel and therefore become energy-independent.

b Fracking is now a good choice because it is not done in the ocean, and it is cheaper than traditional oil refining.

c Fracking has not been a recognised process for long enough, so we don’t know how bad the damage will be in the future.

d This process is used to get access to the oil and gas that is found in rocks.

e Chemicals and water are pushed down into cracks in the rock until the cracks are made wider.

f Chemicals used in fracking are responsible for environmental damage.

Speaker 1

Speaker 2





Speaker 1: Most non-renewable fuel is buried beneath the earth and can be reached by drilling. Fracking is the process that gives us access to oil found in rocks. With the rising price of oil, fracking has become a suitable, inexpensive option since it can be carried out on land instead of out to sea. Fracking actually means ‘breaking with water’. During fracking, fractures are created in rocks by injecting a water-based chemical fluid into cracks until they break open. Oil and gas from the rocks flow down into the well, where they are extracted. The United Kingdom and some other countries like Australia are hoping that fracking will replace the rising cost of traditionally extracted oil and gas.

Speaker 2: The biggest objection to fracking is the destruction of the environment. Fracking fluid leaks into the groundwater and the landscape, and it causes pollution. Transporting the fracking chemicals has led to spills and other chemical damage. It’s true that there is a huge advantage in being energy independent. The truth is that we have no idea what happens with the fracking fluids once they have performed their role in extraction. If we are going to use the oil and gas derived from the fracking process, more information needs to be made available, and more research needs to be done.



1 It is fracking, which is a way of getting oil and gas from rocks underground. It is happening on land / in the United Kingdom and Australia, as well as other countries.


Speaker 1

Speaker 2

b, d, e

a, c, f


2 Listen to the reports again. Write notes as you listen. Write a short summary, in your own words, about the advantages and disadvantages of fracking.

Suggested answer

The advantages of fracking are that it is cheaper and more suitable than foreign-sourced oil because it is on land and not out to sea. The disadvantages are that it is bad for the environment because of the chemicals used, and also we do not know enough about the process, so it may be even more harmful than we think.


3 Think of an author you like. Write down some of the titles of their books and give them to your partner. Your partner will ask you questions about these books. Answer their questions, and then change partners. Report your conversation to your new partner.

Suggested answers

Questions: Who wrote this book? What kind of book is it? How long is it? Would you recommend it to me?

Reported conversation: He asked me who wrote the book. I told him that it was Charles Dickens. He asked me what kind of book it was. I said it was a novel. He asked me how long it was. I told him it was about five hundred pages. He asked me if I would recommend it to him. I said that I would.


4 Complete these questions with the correct verb forms and then ask your partner. Answer your partner’s questions.

1 What do you like…………………. at the weekend? (do)

2 What kind of literature do you enjoy…………….. ? (read)

3 Would you prefer………….. a book or…………… a story today? (read / write)

4 Did you remember………………….. your bedroom yesterday? (tidy)


1 doing

2 reading

3 to read / to write

4 to tidy



5 Read this article about the history of pasta. Which cultures have used something similar to pasta?


Pasta is one of the world’s most convenient foods. Nearly every country has its own unique version of this easy-to-make, inexpensive dish.


Most people believe that pasta originated in Italy, but in fact, the history of pasta is difficult to trace for several reasons. The word itself is a translation of the verb “to paste” in Italian. This is a reference to the dough which is used to make pasta. The word may come from the Greek pastein, which means “to sprinkle”. It is also likely that pasta is a descendant of ancient Asian noodles.


A common story is that pasta was brought to Italy from China by Marco Polo. However, pasta was already gaining popularity in other areas of Italy before the time of Polo, which makes this story very unlikely.


Noodles existed in Asia long before Polo’s trip to China. Archaeologists believe that central Asia is most likely the first area that produced noodles. From Asia, it travelled to Europe. Some believe that nomadic Arabs brought early forms of pasta westward.


The final journey of pasta occurred during the late 19th century. A large group of immigrants moved from Italy to America, bringing pasta with them. Pasta then became a common food in the United States.



The Italians, the Chinese, the central Asians, the Europeans, the Arabs and the Americans.


6 Answer the following questions.

1 What reason does the writer give for his statement that pasta is a convenient food?

2 What point does the writer make about the origins of pasta?

3 Describe how pasta ‘travelled’ from the East to the West in your own words.

4 Why do you think that pasta is so popular around the world?

5 Why do you think that, despite the very different foods around the world, pasta is basically the same?


1 The writer says that it is convenient because it is easy to make and inexpensive.

2 The writer says that everyone thinks that pasta comes from Italy.

3 Suggested answer: Pasta travelled west from Asia. It might have come from Arab countries as well.

4 Suggested answer: I think that pasta is popular because it is so flexible. You can make so many different dishes with pasta as a base.

5 Suggested answer: I think pasta is so similar around the world because wheat is available all around the world.


7 Imagine you are the judge of a cookery show. One of the contestants has made a dish you don’t like at all. Decide with your partner what it is, and what is wrong with it.

You should have fried the onions; you shouldn’t have boiled them.

You could have seasoned it better; you shouldn’t have used so much salt.


Students’ own answers



8 Write a criticism of the dish you chose in exercise 7, using cooking vocabulary and past modals. Don’t forget to link your sentences well. Write about 75 words.


Students’ own answers



Activity Book pages 58-59


1 Listen to this conversation about reading and different media. Which medium does Sana prefer?

Sana prefers using her electronic reader.


2 Listen again. Fill in the blanks with the missing phrases.

Sana: Hi. What are you doing?

Muna: Oh hello. I’m sorting out my books. Will you (1)……….. ?

Sana: I’d love to help you. You have a lot of books!

Muna: Yes, I do. When I read I (2)……………… ! What about you? Do you enjoy reading?

Sana: I do enjoy it, but my parents bought me an electronic reader, which means I’m (3)………….. in a small space – on the reader. It’s much more convenient!

Muna: Wow! I didn’t know they were so useful. I often download books on my parents’ computer, which is great because the screen is very large, so they’re (4)…………….. , but of course, if you want to take them with you, it’s impossible.

Sana: That’s true. I’ve (5)…………… since I got my electronic reader, but honestly, like you said, I miss feeling pages of real books.

Muna: Well, let’s (6)…………….. these real books, shall we?

1 help me do it

2 prefer turning real pages

3 able to keep all my books

4 easy to read

5 started reading much more

6 try to sort out


3 Which medium do you prefer? Why? Discuss with a partner, referring to the text of the listening exercise.

Suggested answer: I prefer reading e-books because I can keep a large number of books on my laptop wherever I go.


4 Look at graphs 1−4. Choose one (do not tell your partner which one!) and describe it to your partner, using the vocabulary below. Your partner must guess which one it is. Then, your partner does the same.

sharp(ly)          slow(ly)          decline steady/steadily           rise           uneven            level           gradual(ly)


AB 58

Suggested answer: 1 The line rises sharply and then declines gradually.


5 Read the following recipe instructions about how to make pasta con sarde. Choose the correct verb in the sentences.

a Stir / Chop in the pepper with the Parmesan, sardines and garlic, and remove from the heat.

b Pour the water off the spaghetti. Serve / Add some olive oil and stir. Cover and keep warm.

c Boil / Roast a large pot of lightly-salted water. Add the spaghetti, and cook for 8 to 10 minutes.

d Add / Fry the sardines, and cook for 1 more minute.

e Place a little olive oil in a frying pan, and cool / heat gently. Stir in the garlic, and cook until golden, 2 to 3 minutes.

f Add the sardines, garlic and Parmesan on top of the pasta. Serve / Spice the dish with additional Parmesan cheese.

g Mix / Season in the Parmesan cheese with the sardines and garlic.

a Stir

b Add

c Boil

d Add

e heat

f Serve

g Mix


6 Rearrange the steps in exercise 5 from 1 to 7 to make the dish. Would you make it? Would you like to have it made for you?

1 c

2 b

3 e

4 d

5 g

6 a

7 f

Students’ own answers


7 You are working on your school newspaper. Write an email to your friend telling him/her about what you do there. Make sure you include verbs such as enjoy, dislike, remember, forget, try, and include vocabulary you learnt about newspapers.


8 Swap your email with your partner. Write a response.

Page 59, exercises 7–8 Students’ own answers