اللغة الإنجليزية فصل ثاني



Unit 15 (There was a great celebration)

Pupil’s book page 62 ex 4 (Read and answer)

  1. When do we celebrate Jordan’s independence? We in celebrate our Independence Day on 25th May
  2. What do people do on this day? People say thank you to the King. They wave flags and listen to national songs.
  3. When was the first Independence Day? It was on 25thMay 1949
  4. Who was the first King of Jordan? The first King of Jordan was King Abdullah I.
  5. When did His Majesty King Abdullah II become King? He became King in 1999
  6. How many children does His Majesty King Abdullah II have? He has 4 children.
  7. Why do you think that people celebrate Independence Day? They celebrate Independence Day to remember the past and to say thank you to the king.

Pupil’s book page 63 ex 6 (Read and answer)

  1. I like May because it is Independence Day.
  2. I like July because it is the summer holiday.
  3. I like March because it is Mother’s Day.
  4. I like April because it is my birthday Day.
  5. I like January because it is snowing in this month.
  6. I like April because  I like spring.